
Their father curled his lip. "Why do you dote on that one when it's obvious he's not one of us?"

Estes caressed Acheron's cheek. "He's a fine, handsome boy, Xerxes. But for his freakish eyes, you'd never know he wasn't Styxx's brother."

Acheron winced at words Styxx knew cut his brother to the bone. He started to comfort him, but Ryssa picked Acheron up and cradled him to her. Acheron laid his head down on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Before Styxx could move, she headed back inside with Acheron while his father and Estes withdrew to his father's study.

Alone, Styxx watched as everyone dispersed. He'd been completely forgotten.


Sighing at the common occurrence, he headed inside so that he could return to his solitary studies. Other boys his age met together to learn, but his father didn't want him held back by those who were slower. It was far more important that Styxx, as a future king, commit to memory as much as he could as fast as was possible. Therefore, he had the best, most learned tutors his father could procure and he was required to fully utilize them and not waste their time. Failure to advance at the rate his father set was met with the harshest of punishments for both the tutors and for Styxx. So his tutors, fearful of the king's wrath, were brutal with their expectations, and Styxx had to keep up or be punished first by them and then by his father. The king had given all his tutors and trainers full rein to make his life miserable if he did anything they didn't approve of.

You will be responsible for everyone in this kingdom, boy. You must learn to focus and think through every complicated matter and obstacle. I will not leave my throne to a senseless fool.

Because his father had inherited the throne so young, he didn't care that Styxx was still a child. Should anything happen to the king, Styxx would advance to the throne immediately. It could happen twenty years from now, or tomorrow. In the event of the latter, it was crucial that he was trained and ready to accept his responsibilities as king.

There's no place in the heir's life for foolish childhood pastimes or pursuits. Every man, woman, and child of this kingdom is looking to you for their welfare and future. For thousands of years, Didymos has stood as the greatest of the Greek city-states. Undefeated. The House of Aricles is the oldest in the land and we have a glorious history of renowned heroes spanning untold generations. Gods willing, we will continue to be the greatest of them all. I will not allow you to taint our empire or tarnish the names of our esteemed Ariclean ancestors. When they look at you, they do not see Prince Styxx, they see the son of Xerxes of the House of Aricles. Every word you say or action you take reflects on me and I've worked too hard to achieve my stellar reputation to have it tainted by you or anyone else.

Acheron and Ryssa were lucky. Their father didn't view them as an extension of himself. Whenever they did something wrong, the king didn't consider it an affront to his good name. They were tutored together and at a much more leisurely pace by the women in Ryssa's retinue. Sometimes Styxx could hear them laughing through the walls while his tutors mercilessly drilled him.

But at least Praxis wasn't overly harsh. He was far more patient and understanding than the others.

You are still a young boy, Highness. I know it's hard for you to sit for hours on end and focus. Let's take a brief break and let your lessons sink in before we start the next session.

Sometimes he'd even bring sweets for Styxx to snack on while they worked.

As Styxx neared the stairs, he saw his mother waiting in the shadows. An older version of Ryssa, she had been a celebrated beauty in her youth. But too many years of overindulging alcohol had aged her beauty so that she now appeared older than their father.

For a moment, he thought she might be sober. But as he drew closer, the stench of excess stole his breath.

"Which bastard are you?" she sneered.

"Styxx, Mother."

Angrily, she narrowed her gaze as if she didn't quite believe him. "Where's the other one?"

"With Ryssa."

A smile finally curled her lips. "My precious Ryssa ... she was supposed to come visit with me this morning." She started for the staircase then stumbled. Styxx moved to help her. At first, she recoiled from his touch, but after a moment she relaxed and allowed him to give her his shoulder so that she could climb the stairs without falling and hurting herself.

"Who came just now?" she asked as they walked down the hall, toward her chambers.

"Uncle Estes."

"Good. That'll make the old skatophage happy for a while."

Styxx didn't comment, but he was glad his father wasn't around to hear his wife call him a dung-eater. No doubt it would upset him greatly.

He led her into her room and deposited her on her dressing stool. As he started away, she reached out and grabbed him by the hair then yanked him closer to her.

"Please, Mother. You're hurting me." He tried to pull her hand away, but she held him fast and with the strength of all the Furies.

She snorted derisively. "You don't know what pain is. Try birthing an ungrateful bastard from your loins, followed by another of his kind. Then watch as your husband's love turns to hatred for you because of them. That's pain. But you ... you're the precious, beloved heir he adores. You're all he loves now."

Funny, it didn't feel that way to him. Not while his father censored everything he did. For every bit of praise he received, his father made sure to give at least three criticisms to accompany it.

She gentled her grip in his hair, but didn't let go. "You have hair like your father. I used to love to run my hands through it at night. Back then, he was mine alone and he loved me so. He would have done anything for me.... At night, he couldn't wait to bed me." Tears filled her eyes. "Why did you have to be born?" Sobbing, she pulled his hair then slapped him. "Get out of my sight! You disgust me!"

Styxx ran from the room as fast as he could. His cheek burned from her blow, but he knew better than to leave his mother alone like this. His father would be very angry should he learn that Styxx had abandoned her when it was obvious she needed someone to watch over her. Wiping at his tears, he went to the small antechamber where her maids were gathered to sew and gossip.