
August 30, 9542 BC

"He's coming through the gates right now!"

Styxx looked up from his lessons to see Acheron in the doorway with a huge smile on his face. He didn't have to ask who Acheron was talking about. It would be their uncle Estes who always came to visit them this time of year. It was the one event all of them looked forward to with equal pleasure.

His heart pounding with the same excitement Acheron felt, he glanced up at his tutor, Master Praxis. "Might I be excused, sir? Please?"

"Of course, Your Highness."

Styxx set his scroll aside and ran to Acheron. Hand in hand, they rushed through the hall and down the stairs until they were at the front door where servants were assembling to greet their uncle. Ryssa was already outside on the stone steps, a few feet from their father.

His smile withered as cold dread filled every part of his body. How would his father greet him? For some reason, he couldn't hear his father's thoughts and the king's rigid stance gave him no clue as to the old man's mood.

Acheron let go of his hand and sidled over to Ryssa so that their father wouldn't notice him. How Styxx wished he could go to her for protection, too, but Ryssa never welcomed his company. Only his absence.

The musicians began their fanfare as his father turned in his direction. Styxx braced himself for his father's derision.

Instead, his father smiled warmly and held his hand out to him. "There you are, my precious boy. I was just about to send a servant to fetch you. Come and greet your uncle."

Maybe his father was in a good mood....

Smiling even while his stomach knotted harder, Styxx took his father's hand and allowed him to pull him up into his arms.

You better remember this. There's no telling when he'll embrace you again.

It was true. He'd taken to trying to hold on to any memory of his parents' kindness toward him. It was what saw him through their vicious attacks and periods of hateful words.

Styxx laid his head on his father's shoulder and closed his eyes. How he wished it could always be like this. Most of all, he wished Estes lived with them. His father was much kinder and happier whenever his brother was around. Like him and Acheron, Estes and their father had a special bond. One that was evident as his father rubbed Styxx's back and held him close, like he treasured him.

His father didn't release him until Estes's procession stopped at the drive below. Gleaming with gold armor and bright red cloaks and banners, his uncle's men were as impressive as his uncle himself. But what never failed to amaze Styxx was how much his uncle favored his father. At first glance, they, too, could pass as twins, even though Estes was three years younger. Identical in height, they had the same build, curly blond hair, and beards.

In full military regalia, Estes stepped down from his chariot and, laughing, rushed up the stairs to embrace his father. "Xerxes! How much I've missed you!"

"And I, you, little brother! How was your journey?"

"Any journey that brings me to my family is a good one, indeed." Estes stooped then gaped at Styxx. "Is that my little squirrel all grown and looking like a short adult? What are you now, child? Ten-and-eight? A score?"

"I'm six, Uncle!" Styxx smiled in delight then launched himself at Estes, who caught him with a laugh and held him close to his chest. "I'm not as big as you are. But one day-"

"You shall tower above me, little squirrel. No doubt." Estes kissed his cheek and squeezed him so hard that Styxx groaned from it. His uncle carried him up the stairs to where Ryssa and Acheron waited. His sister's blond hair fell to her waist in bright golden curls. Dressed in purple, she was truly the most beautiful girl in all Greece-if only she had the personality to match. "Ah ... my fairest Ryssa, you are a vision. More beautiful every time I see you."

She blushed then moved to hug him. "It's so good to see you, Uncle."

Estes set Styxx down as he saw Acheron. "And little Acheron ... look at how much you've grown, too. I barely recognize you and Styxx. Come and embrace me."

Acheron jumped into his arms and hugged him tight. "Have you been fighting the Atlanteans again?"

Their uncle always regaled them with the stories of his glorious battles against their enemies. A legendary, undefeated strategos, Estes was one of the most respected soldiers in all the world.

"Not lately, dearest. Unfortunately, we are trying for peace with them."

"Peace?" their father scoffed. "Such is not possible where they're concerned."

"So say you, brother, but the other Greek kings are trying, and I've been named as an ambassador to Atlantis while they negotiate the peace terms."

That seemed to please their father a great deal. "Well, if anyone can make peace with those jackdaws, it is you. Now come and let us catch up for a while."

Estes kissed Acheron's cheek then set him down beside Styxx. "Remind me later, boys, I have special gifts for both of you."