
Interesting ...

She frowned in confusion. "What is this?"

"Don't know. But given everything else that's happened so far, I'm not real sure it's a good thing." For all he knew, that magic wall might be protecting the coyotes from something ugly about to happen to the two of them.

As if on cue, an evil growl, low and deep, echoed around them.

The coyotes hesitated at the sound.

Abigail swallowed in fear. When the scariest of scary were wary, it was time to take note. She whipped out her mental notepad to wait on whatever evil was about to pounce.

She didn't have to wait long before a huge wolf launched out of the walls to attack the coyotes.

That was unexpected on several levels. She turned toward Sundown. "Is that on our side?"

He squinted as if trying to look into the heart of this latest addition. "Looks like, but ... hell, who knows at this point?"

Within seconds, the coyotes vanished into a mist. The wolf circled as if he was about to give chase. Until he turned into a man in the middle of the hallway.

Tall, blond, and extremely handsome, he still looked feral in his human form. There was a light in his eyes that said he wanted to taste blood.

She hoped it wasn't theirs.

Abigail held her breath as he moved forward with a deadly glower.

Here we go again....

The wolf flipped the gun out of Sundown's hands. He cracked open the barrel to check its loaded status and shook his head. "Shells, cowboy? Really?"

Sundown shrugged. "Sometimes you just have to try even when it's wasted energy."

The wolf laughed, then handed it back. "I admire the tenacity, useless though it is."

Abigail relaxed as she realized the wolf was at the very least a frenemy.

Sundown leaned the gun against the wall. "What are you doing here?"

"Zarek sent me in, just in case."

Sundown scratched at the whiskers on his jaw. "'Cause shit rolls downhill."

"Yeah, and what upsets Z gets my ass kicked. Have I ever told you how much it chafes me that Astrid gave that psycho bastard god powers? I swear I go to bed every night with the one desire to rip out his throat, and I don't even live with them anymore. Sad, isn't it?"

Sundown bristled as if the wolf had struck a nerve. "Now, that's my boy you're talking about, and I don't want to get crossed up with you, Sasha. But you keep that tone and attitude about him, and we will."

Sasha held his hands up in surrender. "Sorry. I forget you and Ash are weird enough to actually like him. No accounting for taste." He turned that penetrating stare toward her. "And you must be the cause of this disaster."

Abigail was offended. What? Was there some cosmic social media feed somewhere with her photo on it, announcing her as the cause of the apocalypse? "I didn't do anything."

Sundown grinned. "She's in denial."

"Cool. We can feed her to the coyotes then, and I can go back to Sanctuary and continue scoping out this amazing brunette who keeps coming in with her friends."

She wasn't amused by that.

At all.

Sundown ignored her ire. "Speaking of friends ... why did our new coyote buddies run from you?"