Kiss of the Night(131)

Wulf couldn't breathe as he watched her. He cupped her face with his hands as she bent down to tease him with her sweet mouth.

His breathing ragged, he watched as she licked her way up to his tip while her hand gently cupped his balls. It was so nice to make love to someone who knew him. Someone who remembered how he liked to be touched and caressed.

Someone who remembered him.

For centuries, he'd only had strangers touch him. None of them felt like this. None of them warmed the cold place inside his heart and made him weak from it.

Only Cassandra did that.

Cassandra felt his body relaxing more with every gentle suck and lick she gave him.

He came with a fierce growl.

After he was completely sated and drained, he lay on the bed, panting, his eyes closed while she straddled him and lay down over his chest. His arms enclosed her as she listened to his heart pounding.

"Thank you," he said softly, stroking her hair.

"You're welcome. You feel any better?"


"Well, I tried."

He gave a bittersweet half-laugh. "It's not you, love. It's really not you."

Suddenly Erik woke up crying. Wulf fastened his pants while Cassandra picked the baby up and comforted him.

Wulf watched as Cassandra lifted her shirt up to suckle his baby. He stared in awe at the sight, which touched every feral male part of him. This was his wife and his son.

He felt primal around them. Protective. He would kill anyone who dared to threaten either one.

He sat back on the bed and cuddled Cassandra as she fed his son.

"We've started freezing my breast milk this morning," Cassandra said quietly.


"For Erik. Dr. Lakis said he would most likely need my milk until he's six months old. The Apollites have developed a way of preserving it since so many of their women die before their children are weaned."

"Don't," he whispered against her temple, unable to bear the thought of her dying. "I... I've been thinking about this. A lot."


"I want you to go Daimon."

She leaned back to give him a shocked stare. "Wulf? Are you serious?"

"Yes. It makes perfect sense. That way-"

"I can't do that," she said, interrupting him.

"Sure you can. All you have to do-"

"Is kill innocent people." She looked horrified. "I can't."

"Phoebe doesn't kill anyone."

"But she feeds from someone who does and she has to suck his blood. No offense, yuck! Not to mention the small fact that I am no longer equipped to suck anyone's blood and the last person I want to bite into is Urian. And while we're at it, let's not forget that you and your cohorts will be after me if I ever step foot out of Elysia to hunt anyone else."