Kiss of the Night(130)

"Is there any..." Wulf couldn't even bring himself to ask whether or not they had any hope of a future together.

"You're not ready for the answer."

His anger exploded at that. "Fuck you, Ash. What do you mean, I'm not ready?"

"Listen to me, Wulf," he said in the patient tone of a parent dealing with an upset child. "Listen carefully. Sometimes to have what we want most, we have to give up everything we believe in. You're not ready to do that yet."

Wulf tightened his grip on the phone. "I don't even know what you're talking about. Why can't you ever answer a simple question?"

"Ask me a simple question and you will get a simple answer. What you ask me is extremely complicated. You've done what Artemis wanted you to do. You've saved your lineage and her brother's."

"Then why don't you sound happy about it?"

"I don't like to see anyone played with or used. I know you're in pain right now. I know you're angry. I understand it. You have every right to feel every emotion that's churning inside you. But this isn't over. When you're ready, I'll answer your question."

The bastard actually hung up on him.

Wulf stood there feeling even more betrayed. He wanted Ash's blood, but most of all he wanted Artemis's and Apollo's. How dare they screw with them like this, as if they were nothing.

The door to his bedroom opened to show him Cassandra standing there, her brow furrowed with concern.

"Hi," she said, looking very tired.

"You should be in bed."

"So should you. I was worried when I woke up to find you gone. Is everything okay?"

For some reason it was always okay whenever she was around him. It was what made it so hard being with her now.

He tried to imagine what it would be like holding her hand while she aged in front of him.

What it would be like when he watched her decay into dust...

Pain racked him so fiercely it was all he could do not to show it. Not to shout out until his anger shook the very halls of Olympus.

He wanted her then, wanted to be inside her so badly that he could barely think.

But it was too soon. She was still sore from birthing his son. And no matter how much he wanted the physical comfort of her body, he would never be so selfish.

Cassandra wasn't expecting Wulf to pick her up and pin her to the wall behind her. His lips covered hers as he kissed her as if he'd never have another chance to kiss her.

Breathless, she breathed in the scent of her ancient warrior. Let the feel of his arms holding her steal her away from the reality of what was inevitable.

She knew he needed her. He wouldn't admit it. She knew that too. He was too strong to ever admit he had a weakness. To ever say he was afraid, but how could he not be?

Neither of them knew if their son was human or Apollite. The preliminary test had been inconclusive. And it would be another three months before they would test Erik again to see which DNA was dominant in him.

Whatever the outcome, Wulf would be left alone to see to Erik's needs.

He let go of her.

Cassandra took his hand and led him back to the bedroom. She sat him on the bed, then forced him to lean back.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

She unzipped his pants. "After all these centuries, I would think you would be able to recognize a woman seducing you when you saw it."

He sprang out into her hands. Cassandra ran her hand down the length of his cock. He was already hard and leaking. She traced the tip of him, letting his wetness coat her fingertips.