Devil May Cry(81)

Her smile warmed him before she rested her chin on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist. Yeah, a man could get used to this. There was something not only comforting but highly unsettling about the way her innocent touch set him on fire.

"Maybe we ought to get mirrored armor," she said. "You know, like they had in the Brothers Grimm movie?"

"That was just metal they wore."

"But we could make it out of mirrors. Then they'd be repelled any time they came near us... you know, we could start like a whole fashion line of mirrored clothing. One that could save humanity. Just think about it."

He laughed at her train of thought. Oddly enough, he appreciated it, but it was highly impractical. "And when we broke one of the mirrors while trying to fight them off we'd have seven years' bad luck."

She didn't miss a bit before she retorted, "Ah, we're immortal. What's seven years to us?"

"An eternity when it's bad."

She stuck her tongue out at him in a playful gesture that somehow managed to be adorable on her.

What was wrong with him?

"Just be a spoilsport, why don't you?"

He supposed he was. He wanted to be playful like her, but he wasn't. At the end of the day, he was all about doom and gloom and he couldn't help wondering what his brother was up to. Where Zakar had gone...

Sin raked his hands through his hair as guilt gnawed at him. "What have I done?"

Kat tightened her grip around him. "You saved your brother."

He leaned his head against hers and inhaled the sweet scent of her hair and skin. "What if I haven't? What if Kytara is right and we should have killed him while we had the chance?"

"Is that really what you think?"

"At this point, I don't know."

Kat laid a gentle kiss to his shoulder blade that seared him. "I do know, Sin. I believe in you and your judgment. I know you've done the right thing."

Sin was stunned by her conviction, and it meant more to him than he could even begin to put into words. "Thanks. I just wish I shared your faith."

"Don't worry, I've got enough for both of us."

Sin smiled even though he was worried about what Zakar was doing. He felt like he should be searching for Zakar. But he didn't know where to begin. Like Kat, he wasn't picking up anything from his brother. Not even a small trace.

And Zakar wasn't answering Sin's summons. There was no telling what his brother was into.

A bad feeling went through Sin. Had he been blinded by loyalty and love? Gods, what if he'd unleashed something unholy onto mankind?

"Stop fretting." Kat smoothed his frown with her fingers.

"Yeah, but we don't know what he's doing or who he's doing it to."

"I know." She pulled the small sfora from around her neck and held it in her hand. "Let's try finding him this way, shall we?"

Sin stepped back as she used the stone to summon Zakar. But after a few minutes, she looked up with a grimace. "It's not working."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like he's not on the earth. Anywhere. You think he went back to the cavern?"

"Hardly believable, given what they'd done to him. But for argument's sake, even if he did, the sfora found him there last time. Wouldn't it be able to find him there again?"

"One would think." Kat looked up to meet his gaze. "You ever feel like the world no longer makes sense?"