Devil May Cry(80)

No doubt, she'd find out soon enough. So she turned her attention back to Zakar. "You must be relieved to be away from the gallu."

"You've no idea."

"Seeing how you were pinned down, I wouldn't go that far. I imagine it was pretty gruesome for you."

That succeeded in making him look away from her. "I need clothes."

She frowned at the odd note in his voice. "You going somewhere?"

He didn't answer. He merely got up, completely bare assed, and headed for the bedroom like there was nothing wrong with streaking through his brother's penthouse in front of her. Kat would have gaped, but then she knew ancient men hadn't been modest...

Then again, there weren't many modern men afflicted with modesty, either.

Sin stepped back in from the balcony and swept the room with his dark gaze. "Where's Zakar?"

"Said he needed clothes."

Sin frowned. "My bedroom?"

"That's where he went, so that would be my best guess."

Sin headed toward the room with her right behind him. When they got there, the room was completely empty. Dumbfounded, she kept waiting for Zakar to reappear before them.

He didn't.

Sin went to the closet and opened it, but there was no sign of Zakar anywhere. They even checked the bathroom. The man had flashed himself out of the room and gone... who knew where.

"Where do you think he went?"

Sin shrugged. "I have no idea. But something with him wasn't right."

"I thought it was just me."

"No, I felt it, too." He slammed the bathroom door shut. "Damn it. What have we unleashed?"

She sighed. "Doom, destruction... at least he's not nuclear, right?"

A smile toyed at the edges of Sin's lips. "At this point, who knows?"

Kat beamed. "Oh look, Mr. Positive has come out to play again. Welcome back, Mr. Positive. All the boys and girls have missed you so."

Sin smiled in spite of himself. Her humor should irritate him, but instead he found it a refreshing relief from the seriousness of the situation. Honestly, he couldn't remember any time in his life he'd enjoyed more than this time with her. And all things considered, this had to be the worst part of his existence, since they were only days away from Armageddon.

The only thing that made any of this bearable was her wit and courage. "You're really not right, are you?"

She scoffed. "With my background and genetic makeup, buddy, you're lucky I'm as normal as I am."

"Point well taken." He let out a tired breath as he tried to locate Zakar, but nothing would come to him. It was as if his brother had vanished into a black hole. "Can you locate him?"

"Not even a buzz. What about you?"

He shook his head. "As much as I hate to say this, I guess we'll have to wait for him to return."

By her face he could tell the idea appealed as much to her as it did to him. But what choice did they have? Without a bearing, they had no idea where to even begin searching for Zakar. Sin could kill his brother for this.

Kat moved over to him and rubbed his back. "Who was on the phone?"

"Damien. He said a gallu tried to get in, but the mirrors repelled him."