Devil May Cry(114)

"It was a simple learning experience. I got it. It won't happen again."

She was right about that. Sin wanted to reach out and touch her. But he knew he couldn't. If he did, she would destroy his resolve. "And now you understand my point of view. I won't bury you or burn you and I won't jeopardize anyone else. It's over, Katra. I want you to take your demons and leave."

Kat curled her lip as she contemplated the dismemberment of a stubborn man. Why wouldn't he see reason? "Leave and let you be overrun by the gallu? What kind of a stupid plan is that? If you don't want me, fine. I'm a big girl, I can handle that. But keep Simi and Xirena. They're the one thing the gallu can't take from you. Let them stand at your back and protect you... please."

"Fine. If that will make you happy, they can stay. Now I want you out of this."

Infuriated, Kat held her hands up in defeat. She could tell by his demeanor and tone of voice that he had no intention of allowing her to stay.

Maybe if she gave him some space, he might see reason. But knowing him, she doubted it.

"Whatever. Play all macho if that's what makes you happy. I'm out of this."

Sin watched as she faded before him. His throat burned as every part of him screamed out for him to call her back. But he wouldn't.

No, he couldn't.

She was a distraction. But most of all, she was a weakness he couldn't allow himself. He'd buried everyone in his life who ever meant anything to him.

He refused to lose her, too. Better to hurt a little bit now and know that she was alive and well than to be here and see her dead.

She would get over this and so would he.

Kat was livid as she shoved open the doors to her mother's throne room. "Matisera?" she called, wanting her mom. She didn't even really know why. Her mother wasn't the most sympathetic or affectionate of women. Still, Kat needed to feel the comfort of her mother's presence.

But Artemis didn't come.

Acheron stepped out of the bedroom to look at her with a quizzical stare. "Is something wrong?"

Part of her wanted to run to him for comfort, but the other part wanted to keep her distance. Right now, he reminded her too much of Sin. "Where's Artemis?"

Acheron pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. "Big house on the hill. It's the one you really can't miss. Gaudy as hell and seriously overcompensating for a complex of some sort. Zeus is apparently throwing a party and Artemis wanted to stop in and visit."

Of course she did. She'd probably be gone for hours-it was just Kat's luck.

Acheron crossed the distance between them. "Is there something I can help with?"

"No," Kat said petulantly. "You're a man and I hate all of you right now."

He took two steps back. "Fair enough. Since my presence is obviously causing you pain, I'll take my manhood outside to the terrace, where you can join me if you can overlook my obvious birth defect."

Kat glared at him. It was just like a man to try to make light of this when it hurt so badly. It was why she hated all of their dreaded species at the moment.

Her father went outside to sit on the railing, with his back against a column. The angry part of her wanted to run outside and shove him over it and let him go sprawling to the ground below. And even though the thought gave her a moment's amusement, she knew the truth. She wasn't really angry at her father.

She wanted to crush Sin.

Unable to stand it, she went outside.

Acheron turned toward her with an arch stare.

"Why do all men have to suck?" she asked, folding her arms over her chest. "I knew you all sucked and still I stupidly fell in love with one of you. Why? Why would I be such a masochist? You pour your heart out to a man and what does he do? 'Could you change the channel, babe?' " she mocked in a faked masculine tone. "You're all pathetically cold. You don't care about anyone but yourselves."

Acheron duplicated her pose, folding his arms over his chest. "Do you want my input or is this just an angry tirade you need to vent?"


"Okay, you rant and I'll add my comments at the end." Why did he have to be so damned reasonable? It actually snapped her out of her anger enough so that she was moderately accommodating. "No, by all means, go ahead. You have something to say, say it."