Bad Moon Rising(163)

He actually didn't give them a choice. One moment they were on Savitar's island and in the next they were in the foyer of Peltier House.

Fang looked around at the dark Victorian furniture, bemused. There was no sign of Vane.

Simi popped in a second later. "Oh, good. Simi was afraid Savitar done gone and been really mean to you. But you okay. That's good."

Aimee frowned at the demon. "What did you say to Savitar?"

"I told him you were Simi's friends and that I didn't want him to make brolf stew."


"Bear and wolf, which might be tasty, but not when it's made out of people the Simi likes. Besides, Aimee always feeds me good ice cream whenever I come to Sanctuary."

Aimee hugged the little Goth demon who meant the world to her. One thing about Simi, you could always count on her. "Thank you for your help, Simi."

Simi opened her mouth, but before she could speak, Maman was there, her eyes flaming angry. Aimee's heart flopped at the sight. Never had she seen her this mad.

"What have you done?" Maman demanded.

Simi vanished.

Aimee felt the color fade from her face.

Maman would have slapped her had Fang not caught her hand and held it away from Aimee's cheek. That only angered her mother more. "You have ruined us. I want you both out of here. Now."

Wanting to soothe her mother, Aimee stepped forward. "Maman-"

"No," she snarled. There was no reprieve or forgiveness in her voice or expression. "You have endangered every one of us and for what?" She raked Fang with a disgusted sneer. "You are dead to me, Aimee. I never want to see you again and you are no longer part of this family or patria. Get out."

Aimee's vision dimmed. "But-"

"Get! Out!"

Fang pulled her against him. "C'mon. She needs to calm down."

Aimee allowed him to teleport her out of her home to Vane's house.

Vane was in the living room, his face a mask of worry that lifted the instant he saw them. "Thank the gods. I was terrified of what Savitar had done to you."

Aimee barely understood those words as the true horror of what had happened slammed into her.

Her mother had thrown her out. She'd revoked her clan from her and left her abandoned.

Vane furrowed his brow. "Is she okay?"

Fang didn't answer the question. He didn't think Aimee would want him to share what had just happened with someone who, to her, was basically a stranger. "Can you give us a minute?"


Fang waited until Vane had left before he cupped her face in his hands. "Aimee?"

Her tears started then. They flowed silently down her face as her blue eyes were completely haunted. "What have I done?"

He pulled her into his arms and held her close. "It'll be all right."

"No, it won't. Maman will never forgive me."

"You're her only daughter. Once she calms down, she'll be fine. You'll see."