Bad Moon Rising(162)

Beaming with pride over what she'd done, Simi wiped her hands together. "That was fun . . . you think Savitar will let the Simi blast through something else? Maybe that curtain over there . . ."

"No, no, Simi," Aimee said, pulling her to a stop. "We don't want to torch the curtains."

Simi's bottom lip jutted out into a strangely becoming pout. "Oh, pooh, you're just like akri. No, Simi, don't be breathing fire around the flammable objects or small children. Except for that black plastic card that's not really plastic. It some metal thing, but the Simi loves it 'cause it let her buy everything she want without limit. He never say no to Simi when she use it. Oh, hello there, Fang. You okay? You looking kind of peaked or piqued or . . . ? Oh, heck, the Simi can never keep those straight."

Ignoring Simi's rant, he looked at Aimee. "What are you two doing here?"

"We're saving you."

"Aimee," he said, stressing her name and the danger she'd placed them both in.

He also stopped as he saw Savitar flash in behind her with a look of extreme fury on his face.

"No buts, Fang. I can't let you do . . ." Her words faded as she caught sight of Savitar standing behind her in the glass's reflection.

Aimee froze to the spot. Her heart sliding into her stomach, she turned around to face what had to be the most terrifying grimace ever conceived.

"Hi," she said, hoping to lighten his mood.

His look only darkened-so much for trying. It'd only made it worse. "What are you doing, bear?"

"By the unhappy glower on your face, I would say making the single worst mistake of my life."

Fang moved to stand in front of her. "She was only trying to help me."

"And going against me in the process. No offense, but that seriously pisses me off."

Simi's eyes widened. "Ooo, you got that throbbing vein like akri gets right before he turns blue. You gonna turn blue too, akri-Savvy?"

Aimee gulped. "No, Simi, I think he's turning redder."

Savitar looked as if he was working hard on not killing her. "Answer me one thing. . . . What were you going to do after you took him out of here?"

Aimee hesitated.

"You didn't exactly think this through, did you?" Savitar looked at Vane who'd just moved into the area to see what was going on. "Wolves and Simi, leave. Now."

Vane passed a sympathetic look to Aimee before he followed Savitar's command.

Fang knew he was about to commit suicide, but he couldn't obey him and leave Aimee here alone. The protective wolf inside him would never abandon her to anyone's wrath, especially not someone as capricious and lethal as Savitar. "It's my fault she's here. I take full responsibility."

Savitar sneered at him. "Don't make me laugh, wolf. You're out of soul to sell to keep her safe. Take the out I'm giving you before I take your life."

He slowly shook his head, his determination set in stone.

Savitar threw his hand out and blasted Fang so hard it lifted him up and slammed into the wall behind him. "Have you any idea how angry I am right now?"

Fang struggled to breathe. "I think I have a pretty good idea."

"No, I don't think you do."

He slammed Fang to the ground so hard Fang swore half the bones in his body broke.

Simi, who hadn't left yet, went running up to Savitar and whispered in his ear. Savitar's scowl lessened. He dropped his hand as his face returned to its typical stoicism. "Get out. Both of you. But know, little bear, that with this, I've revoked the license on Sanctuary for good."

Aimee gasped. "What?"

"You heard me. Now leave before I kill you both for disobeying me."