Bad Moon Rising(147)

Maman, on the other hand, kept her composure. "Complaints? From whom?"

Savitar leaned to the side as he narrowed his gaze on her. "A group of jackals who say you not only refused to help them apprehend a wanted criminal but that you also gave him their location and set him loose on them."

She opened her mouth to speak, but Savitar held his hand up to silence her. "A pack of wolves has said that when one of your Sanctuary staff attacked them unprovoked in an alley outside of Sanctuary, you not only condoned his actions, but refused to hand him over. Likewise, you knowingly allowed Wren to be falsely accused and pursued by this council. And that you personally attacked a tiger in your own home. There have been others who say that you pick and choose who you help and when, rather than welcome everyone in as you've sworn to. What have you to say?"

Maman didn't blink or flinch. "They're lies."

Vane stood up. "I back Nicolette with all good confidence."

Savitar's attention swung to him like a potent laser. "Boy, I haven't even started with you yet. Right now your word doesn't mean much."

Aimee cast a scared look at Dev.

He took her hand and held it while he motioned for her to remain silent.

Savitar pinned Nicolette with a harsh stare. "Did you or did you not have your son warn Constantine that a group of jackals were after him?"

"They attacked my daughter in my own club. They threatened her life."

Aimee looked at the blank seat that was Constantine's. What had happened to him? Why wasn't he here to back Maman?

Savitar gave her no quarter on the issue. "You should have told me, Nicolette. Unleashing their enemy on them is against the neutral code and you know that. And you still haven't answered my question. Did you tell him?"

"Yes. I, not my children, informed Constantine that they were after him."

She felt Dev's hand tighten on hers at the lie. Dev had been the one who told Constantine. Maman was protecting him while offering herself up on the chopping block.

"And when Eli Blakemore and his pack told you, in sworn testimony, that his son and friends were attacked outside your club, did you fail to hand over the attackers?"

Aimee stepped forward.

"Don't!" Dev snapped in her head. "Savitar will kill you."

"This is wrong!"

"Aimee, don't embarrass Maman. You know better."

She did, but it was hard to stand here and listen to her mother being attacked over things that were exaggerated.

Maman lifted her chin with the dignity of a queen. "I don't trust his pack or the lies they tell."

"Did you fail to hand over their attackers?"

Because of her . . . Unshed tears choked her as she realized how much trouble she'd gotten her mother into. No wonder Maman was so harsh at times. While Aimee had known Savitar was unfeeling, seeing this . . .

What had she done? She'd endangered her mother while saving her friend.

And Maman was taking all of the blame on herself to protect them.

"Oui, I did in fact."

Savitar shook his head. "And when we stood here and issued a warrant for Wren, did you not lie to the members of this council?"

"No, I spoke what I believed to be the truth."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolument. Yes."