Bad Moon Rising(146)

"Are we ready, mes enfants?"

Aimee took Dev's hand. "We're ready."

Maman flashed them to Neratiti, the mysterious island home of Savitar. It was an island that moved constantly throughout the world as Savitar, a devout surfer, sought the perfect wave. He was a being of a thousand contradictions and mysteries.

And one Aimee had only met a few times in her life. To be honest, he scared the bejesus out of her.

But he wasn't in the room when they arrived. Breathing deeply in relief of that, Aimee took a moment to look around the large circular room. Decorated in burgundy and gold, the room had large open windows that spanned from the top of the gilded ceiling to the black marble floor under her feet. Lushly decorated, it should have been tacky, and yet somehow the elaborate colors and designs worked together to create a beautiful canvas.

A large round table was set in the middle of the room with an impressive throne resting off to the side. She would take a guess that was Savitar's seat.

Most of the Katagaria were already there and seated at the table. Aimee stepped back, somewhat intimidated by them. Dev stayed by her side with a stoic look that made her wonder what he was thinking.

Maman smirked at the vacant seats as she stepped near a tall, dark-haired panther. "Looks like the Arcadians are holding true to form, eh, Dante?"

"Always chickenshits, Lo. They won't face us alone even here." He looked past Maman to meet Aimee's gaze.

Maman smiled warmly as she introduced them. "My daughter. Aimee, meet Dante Pontis."

Aimee extended her hand to him. "You own the Inferno in Minnesota." Though not an official sanctuary itself, it was still a well-known club.

"You know it." He shook her hand, then held it out to Dev. "Good to see you again."

"You too."

Aimee frowned at the brotherly familiarity between them. "How do you two know each other?"

Dante winked. "Scouting bands . . . and other things."

Aimee held her hand up in protest of what he was about to say.

"That was before Dante mated."

Dante tapped his heart. The love in his eyes said it all. "And I wouldn't have it any other way, Dev. One day, I hope you know the joy Pandora brings to me."

"Yeah, that's not what you said when she was pregnant."

Dante laughed.

Fury and Vane entered the room, their faces grim.

Aimee went over to them immediately. "Have you heard from Fang?"

"No." Vane's voice was filled with emotion. "I was hoping you had."

She shook her head as the rest of the members flashed in and took seats at the huge round table.

She and Dev stepped back as two large doors were flung open with primal powers that shook the room. Savitar, dressed in a long flowing robe that reminded her of an Egyptian design, strode in with an aura of power so potent, it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

His long dark hair flowed over his shoulders. Dark-complected, he wore a well-trimmed goatee, and when he scanned the room, his deep lavender eyes seemed to glow.

Every member stood as he walked over to his throne. He appeared to be furious and there was a noticeable panic emanating from every creature present.

Savitar glowered at them. "Cop a squat, animals and folks. I don't want to be here any more than the rest of you so make it fast and get out of my hair. Let's quickly run down the bullshit pedagogy. Hear ye . . ." He paused as if holding back a desire to hit something. "Who the hell wrote this crap? Welcome to the Omegrion Chamber. Here we gather, one rep from each branch of the two patrias. We come in peace"-he paused to snort derisively-"to make peace. I'm your mediator, Savitar, and if you don't know that by now, you need to be hit in the head with a jackhammer and replaced because you're too stupid to represent your patria. But in case you're dense and forgot, I am the summation of all that was and what will one day be again. I make order from chaos and chaos from order, which is how I got drafted into this shit. Now let's get on with this before I start splitting your hairs."

His gaze went straight to Maman. "Nicolette, there have been a number of complaints against Sanctuary lately."

Aimee's panic swelled.