
Boraxis returned with our tokens for the journey across the Aegean that would take us home to Didymos. I knew I wouldn't truly stop being scared until the boat sailed.

At any moment, I was afraid my uncle would find us and take Acheron back.

It was just after midday that they allowed us to board the ship. Boraxis led the way with me in the middle and Acheron following.

The first mate took the tokens from Boraxis and gave him directions for our quarters, but as we walked past, he stopped Acheron.

"Lower your cowl."

I saw the panic in Acheron's eyes before he complied. As soon as the material was lowered, I felt a strange almost wave-like sensation sweep through those who were near us. All eyes turned toward my brother.

The first mate shook his head and tsked at me. "My lady, we don't allow slaves to travel on the main decks."

I gave him a withering stare. "He's not a slave."

The first mate actually laughed at that. He reached to the band around Acheron's throat and pulled at his pendant that held the symbol of a fiery sun.

Acheron didn't move or speak. He merely kept his gaze lowered.

The first mate looked back at me. "I can appreciate your wanting to keep your tsoulus with you, my lady, but he'll have to travel below deck with the other slaves."

It'd never occurred to me to have Acheron's bands removed. In Greece, our slaves wore no gold whatsoever, so it hadn't dawned on me that his would betray him.

"Nexus," the first mate called to another sailor. "Escort this one below deck."

Acheron's panicked gaze held mine. "Please, Idika, don't send me there. Alone. You can't."

"I'll pay more," I told the sailor.

"I'm sorry, my lady. It's our strictest policy. The other passengers would be extremely upset if we broke the rules for you."

I felt horrible for him. "It'll be all right, Acheron. It's only a few days and we'll be home."

My words only appeared to scare him more. But he said nothing else as Nexus came forward to lead him away from me.

Acheron replaced his cowl and glanced about nervously.

"He'll be fine, Your Highness," Boraxis assured me. "His quarters won't be refined, but they'll be serviceable and clean."

And Boraxis would know. He had once been a slave before my father freed him.

"Thank you, Boraxis."

My heart heavy, I went to my quarters and wondered what Acheron would do for the next four days.

November 8, 9532 BC

I waited on the deck with bated breath for Acheron's return. Over the last four days I'd tried my best to see him, but no one would allow it. Apparently the regular passengers weren't allowed below decks anymore than the slaves were allowed above.

Almost everyone was gone now, even the sailors, while Boraxis and I waited.

At last, I saw Acheron appear. As he had on the day they'd taken him below, he had his cowl pulled low, his head bent down.

Not even a single glimpse of his body or face could be seen.

"There you are!" I said in joy at seeing him again.

He said nothing in return.