The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,41

for her, turning on the light and doing a visual check of the room before standing back and silently indicating that she could enter.

Sidra thought that was odd, but so far, everything had been odd from the moment she’d stepped onto the plane. Yesterday? Or was it still today?

She sighed and shook her head. She was too mixed up to have an existential moment.

She saw her luggage though so she was relieved to at least be able to change and get into something less rumpled. She closed the door behind her, smiling her thanks to the man who had shown her in. Once alone, she hurried over to her cases and opened them up, but all of them were empty. She opened the various doors and found one that led to a beautiful marble bathroom, and another that was filled with her clothes, all freshly pressed and hanging in the closet. She chose another suit, this one a simple navy blue one and another silk shirt and headed into the bathroom. Once she was showered and her hair blow dried, she felt enormously better. A touch of makeup, her suit in place and buttoned up, and she could almost forget that she’d made love to Rashid last night.

Except that her body was still tingling from the experience and her mind kept jumping back to those moments when she had begged him, needed him so desperately that she hadn’t cared what she said or did as long as he would continue touching her. Yes, that was embarrassing. But enormously satisfying.

She was turning to head out of the room when everything swayed, spinning around her and she stopped, sank into the bed and just sat there until everything was better. Food! She really needed food! She was so hungry she was faint with hunger. It wasn’t good to skip so many meals. She couldn’t even count how many meals she’d missed since she had no idea what day it was or even the time, much less which time zone she was in.

She stepped out of the room and that same guard was still standing outside the door. “Would you mind telling me where I might find some breakfast?” she asked, not sure if she should actually go outside the palace to get something to eat or if food would be provided. She might be here with Rashid, but she was fully aware of her status as an employee and nothing else.

Okay, so she had slept with the guy last night. More than slept with him, she cringed. Maybe she had a slightly altered status, but she didn’t like what that made her, so she resumed her acceptance of her role as employee or vendor, whichever was more appropriate.

At this point, with her stomach growling loudly, she didn’t even care about palace protocol or what her status was currently. If Rashid or this burly guard wouldn’t tell her where to find some place to eat, she’d just walk down the street and grab something out of the first place she saw. She was too hungry to be picky.

How far was it to get out of the palace? She had a vague recollection of very long hallways and several check points. Last night, no one had stopped Rashid, but since he was the head honcho, he probably had carte blanche to move about the palace wherever he desired. She definitely wouldn’t have that kind of access so it might be a long time before she found food. That wasn’t good, she thought as her stomach rumbled a protest. asldfjasljkf

The man nodded at her request and turned slightly. He said something into his watch and Sidra felt odd, wondering what kind of spy novel she’d fallen into. Since he was speaking in Arabic, she had no idea what he said, but he turned back to her and stood looking down at her.

She raised an eyebrow, wondering if he’d understood her. “Okay,” she replied awkwardly and looked around. The door to the suite was off to her left and she pointed to it. “I’m going to go out and find something to eat because I really can’t wait much longer.”

The man stepped in front of the door and shook his head.

“I’m not allowed to leave?” she asked, trying to understand his non-verbal messages. A body in front of the exit was definitely loud and clear but she wanted to understand the why.

The man shook his head just as a knock sounded on the door. He turned Copyright 2016 - 2024