The Sheik's Pregnant Lover Page 0,40

she wanted. But he wouldn’t let her escape and his hand came right back to her core, moving slightly against the swollen flesh.

“You are mine. Even if you won’t say the words, I know that you have always been mine ever since the moment we met.” His hands shifted and she gasped when he did something that shot sparks of fire throughout her whole body. “Tell me you like this,” he commanded more softly.

“Yes!” she screamed again.

“Tell me you want me to keep doing it to you.”

“Yes!” she begged, her eyes wide, showing him the desire she was feeling, the way every cell in her body needed him to come back to her. “I need you so much!”

Rashid couldn’t wait any longer. She was so hot, so beautiful like this that he couldn’t resist the need to bury himself deep inside of her, to take her to the limits of what her body was capable of feeling. The need to show her that they belonged together overrode his need to possess her completely.

“You’re mine,” he growled a moment before he moved back and tasted her one more time, bringing her over the edge to a climax but not relenting. Over and over again, he brought her to the peak until she was shivering in his arms. Only then did he move higher, filling her up with himself.

“Protection!” she gasped when she felt his hardness at her core.

“Don’t need it any longer,” he said and slid into her heat, gritting his teeth with how wonderful she felt without the irritation of a condom between their skin. “You feel incredible!” he said and bent down to kiss her while his hands pulled her legs up, allowing him to push deeper inside of her. “So wet, so hot for me,” he said and moved slightly, eliciting that sexy gasp of pleasure he remembered so well from their creek days.

Even then, he wouldn’t enjoy his own release until she was with him, needing her complete abandonment of herself to him so they could ride the wave together. When he felt her body start to pulse around him, he let himself go, pounding harder and faster to reach the ultimate release. As his body drained into her, he thought about the baby they’d formed several weeks ago and the orgasm actually increased in intensity, making him shudder with the power of it all.

A long time later, with her once again curled up beside him and fading off to sleep, he chuckled at her demand for pregnancy protection. She didn’t hear his amusement since she’d already drifted off to sleep once again, but he thought it cute that she still didn’t realize that she was pregnant.

And because she was a real chatterbox while she slept, he had no doubt that the baby was his. Unlike the first time she’d fallen asleep in his arms when he’d avoided any kind of pressure on her stomach, he now placed his hand over her flat abdomen. It was almost as if he wanted to protect his unborn child from harm.

Sidra woke up feeling better, but once again, she was wrapped around Rashid. She wanted to bury her face in her hands with embarrassment after her memory caught up with her but she considered it a higher priority to get out of this room before it happened again. And that was a definite possibility since she was already feeling those stirrings.

The room was still dark and she had no idea what time it was. She felt better, refreshed, but since she’d traveled east into time zones, it could be the middle of the afternoon for all she knew. She’d slept on the plane, but wasn’t sure how long.

She had to get out of here!

She tip toed towards what she suspected was the door to his bedroom and was grateful when it opened and there was bright, morning light shining through the windows. That gave her a time reference.

A man with bulging muscles stepped into her pathway and she jumped, almost yelling out with her surprise but she was able to stop herself in time.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know where my luggage has been placed. Do you have any idea?” she asked.

The man nodded and waved for her to follow him. He led her to a room right across from the door she’d just left and she was surprised. “I thought this was Rashid’s private area. Is this actually the guest wing?”

The man shook his head and opened the door Copyright 2016 - 2024