Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,183

She’ll get her come-uppance that one.’

‘And that hare-girl, his sister!’ chuckled Starling. ‘Didn’t she ever look a fool? Sitting like a carving when she should’ve been dancing and chanting. She were just a mommet with no life in her. You did well, Auntie – your cakes and potion were just the thing.’

‘Aye, just the thing. Old Violet knows how to mix a good potion and bake a good cake. Just like in Magus’ time when he used to come calling for his tins o’ cakes. Heh heh! Soon be like old times again only better this time around! We know, don’t we?’

‘Aye, sister, we know, we’ve seen. We know what’s a-coming – what’s come already, waiting in the shadows.’

The flames died lower to a red hot glow and still the three sat, reluctant to leave the heat of the fire and climb upstairs to their cold and foetid beds.

‘But what o’ the hare-girl? She were talking from beyond, weren’t she?’ whined Vetchling.

‘Aye, sister, from beyond. She has the gift, that one, and we must watch her with a sharp eye.’

‘Do you think she knows?’ asked Starling. ‘Does she know what she’s saying?’

‘Nay, shouldn’t think so. That were prophesying and she weren’t in this world, was she? Not with what we’d put inside her! That were another’s voice speaking through her mouth.’

‘Is she a danger to us?’

‘I’ve not seen it. But we’ll scry tomorrow and see what’s what. Shouldn’t be surprised if that old sow Heggy were trying to get through, but we can put a stop to that. She’s only a young maid, the Hare, with no wisdom and no knowledge o’ the old ways. We are three and we are strong and powerful. She ain’t no match for us three.’

‘Aye, you speak the truth, sister. We are on the wax and that dark-haired brat is on the wane. No sister can help him now – ‘tis all set.’

‘But nought is fixed,’ mumbled Starling through a thick mouthful. ‘You always told me that, Mother. All can be set but nought can be fixed.’

‘Wise words, Starling, wise words. But we can try to fix, can’t we? We can cast and we can summon, we can hex and we can blight. We have the wisdom, and the Hare does not – nor ever will.’

In the soft candlelight, Rowan gazed adoringly at her daughter. Faun was still flushed and her eyes bright from the dancing and heady wine. She lay now with her head on the snowy pillow, tattered ringlets spread about her. Rowan tenderly stroked her smooth skin.

‘I’ve brought you some milk, my little one. Try to drink it – it’s good for your complexion, especially after the wine.’

Faun sat up and dutifully drank from the cup her mother held to her lips.

‘Was I beautiful tonight, Mother?’

‘Oh yes, yes you were! You shone like a star,’ said Rowan, helping the girl to lie down again and plumping the pillow for her.

‘They should’ve chosen me. I was right all along.’

‘Yes, they should’ve. Leveret was a disgrace.’

‘Kestrel said it should’ve been me. He was all over me, Mother.’

‘I know, I was watching you. You played it just right – you made him aware of you, showed him your promise, but you held yourself back too. You’ve got age on your side, my darling Faun. He knows you’re too young now but there’s nothing wrong with tempting him a bit with what’s to come.’

Faun giggled.

‘It was such fun! And I reminded him that I’m a Hallchild.’

‘Good – he’d like that. He wants quality and you’re the best at Stonewylde – Magus’ beautiful, perfect daughter. ‘Tis a pity more people don’t remember you’re a Hallchild and so special, like your father.’

Rowan sighed and a dreamy look came into her eyes.

‘Was he really wonderful?’ asked Faun wistfully.

Rowan shook her head, glossy brown hair rippling over her shoulders and shadowing her face.

‘I can’t describe him to you, Faun – he was more than wonderful. I wish you could’ve known him.’

‘Why did he have to die? It’s not fair – he’d have loved me, I know it.’

‘He’d have adored you and you’d have been his special girl – his only daughter. You’re right, it’s not fair! And we know who’s to blame.’

‘Yul! I hate him so much, Mother. I’m his half-sister but he never takes any notice of me. I enjoyed it today when that ugly little sister of his made him look stupid. He looked such a fool when she started going on about the darkness coming and Copyright 2016 - 2024