Shadows at Stonewylde - By Kit Berry Page 0,182

is enough to drive anyone to desperate measures.’

‘What rubbish! The only reason I don’t want you is—’

She stopped abruptly, aware too late of the crevasse that loomed suddenly at her feet. Yul smiled slightly and his voice became silky.

‘Yes, Sylvie? You were about to tell me why you’ve become so frigid – why the thought of me leaves you cold when it used to set you on fire. I think we’ve reached the heart of the matter, haven’t we?’

But she shook her head and sat down again, refusing to be drawn.

‘I’m very tired, Yul, and it’s been a long day. I’m exhausted – all I want to do is sleep.’

‘I knew today would be too much for you and I was right,’ he said firmly. ‘You should’ve let Miranda lead the ceremonies as I suggested.’

‘Oh for goodness’ sake, shut up! I’m fine.’

‘You just said you were exhausted! Getting confused again, are you, Sylvie? You need a day in bed tomorrow to get your strength back. I won’t let you become ill again.’

‘I’m NOT falling ill again! Stop using that as an excuse to keep me in my place! I’ve had just about enough of you, Yul – you’re bullying Leveret and bullying me. You’re turning into a hard, arrogant bastard! You’re not the boy I fell in love with.’

‘No, Sylvie, I’m not,’ he said quietly, an edge to his voice. ‘I’m the magus now and things are different.’

‘Too right they’re different!’ she cried. ‘You wonder why I don’t want you anymore but look at what you’ve become. You don’t even feel the Earth Magic now, do you? It’s abandoned you, just as it did your father.’

This was finally too much for Yul. His eyes were hard and cold as he grasped her chin in his hand so she had to look him in the face. The shadows and firelight danced around him, hollowing his cheeks and making his grey eyes gleam.

‘And you don’t feel the moon magic any more either, do you Sylvie?’ he said softly. ‘You’re not the girl I fell in love with and all your magic has gone. You’re over-tired and not well and tomorrow you’re to spend the day resting quietly in bed. If you argue I’ll send Hazel to deal with you. I’m sick to death of this never-ending battle between us and things are going to change, because as from tonight I’ve had enough. It’s time you remembered what your duties are here. I’ll deal with my sister tomorrow, I’ll do it as I see fit, and I don’t expect any interference from you. Is that understood?’

She gazed into his eyes and felt her will to fight him drain away. It was too much effort right now and she just wanted to be rid of him. She nodded, hoping he’d disappear into his office and she’d be free of him until tomorrow.

‘That’s more like it.’

He stood up and went to pour himself a large glass of wine. Savouring it, he watched her narrowly as her eyelids drooped with fatigue, her face almost as white as her dress.

‘Go and get ready for bed, Sylvie, and when I’ve had my wine I’ll join you. From now on I’m sleeping in our bed in my rightful place.’


In the filthy cottage at the end of the lane the three women sat toasting themselves and smoking their pipes in peaceful contentment. The two old crones’ faces were creased and lined, the dirt accentuating every wrinkle. Their toothless gums sucked at the stems of their pipes and they rocked gently in the warmth, slurping occasionally at their mead. Starling had eased out her rolls of flesh comfortably and propped her enormous legs on a stool; her feet were aching after such an active day. She was happily contemplating a further snack when she’d finished her pipe as she’d managed to cram a large bag full of left-overs from the feast. She belched loudly and patted the mass of her stomach in contentment.

‘Eh, but that were a good day’s work!’ mused Old Violet.

‘Aye, sister, a good day’s work. That set the weasel amongst the rabbits and got things a-going nicely.’

‘Made ’em look fools, didn’t we? Heh heh! That black-locked one – he were so angry! Shouldn’t wonder there’ll be trouble up at the Hall tonight, the state he’s in now.’

‘Aye, he’ll be spoiling for a fight. That skinny wife of his – she’ll be in for it tonight, no doubt. Stupid Outsider – she ain’t got no right to be here. Copyright 2016 - 2024