Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,9

one day a silver-haired princess would come to claim it."

Shock spreads through me as she hands me the key. How could anyone have known I would search for the keys?

I pull the key out of the pouch, a long silver chain attached to it. The key is old, cast in thick iron and strange symbols like the metal ones on the walls of this room are etched into the iron. I put the necklace on, tucking the key into my dress.

"Thank you," I tell her. She steps back and bows once.

"You must leave. Fate does not rest a second in this time we face ahead," she warns me. "And good luck, Izora Dawn. Next time we meet, I’ll see a crown on your head."

I hope she is right.

Chapter 5


The canopy of leaves dapple the morning sunlight that pours through the Enchanted Forest. A single ray catches the key dangling around my neck and I slide my fingers over the cool metal, looking around at my guys. All but one appear content to be on this quest with me. Frowning, I fall into step with Gold and playfully nudge his shoulder with mine, hoping for a smile.

He gives me one, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

"You've been quiet since we left Kyllaros. Is there something wrong?" I ask, keeping my voice low for only us to hear.

He remains silent for a long moment, his jaw ticking. "I'm merely considering how to get you into Draconia. You're not dragon-blooded, but some of your ancestors on King Ulric's side were, so you should be able to travel into the kingdom with me."

I watch the vein pulse on his temple, and I know he's hiding something from me. "That's good. But there's something else that's on your mind. You can tell me. We're all in this together."

Gold stops to look into my eyes. "I haven't been home in years. I can smell the salt in the winds and hear my kin soaring through them, and yet....I don't belong here anymore."

"But you're Draconian," I point out softly.

He nods, walking again while the others carry on ahead. "I am, but I also abandoned my king. I haven't been there to serve him as I vowed, and that's as good as treason." He drags a hand through his hair, causing strands to fall into his eyes. "I don't deserve to be forgiven."

I grab both his hands, forcing him to stop again and look at me. "You didn't choose to leave Draconia. You were forced to."

His lips twitch. "Well, I did punch your father. I suppose being made governor of his prison was my punishment. Eva certainly made it that way once she took over."

Silence stretches between us, with only the sounds of our boots crunching on the dead leaves for company. I remember Gold said he was just as much a prisoner like me, and now that I know it was my father who imprisoned him, I can't help but feel a little guilty.

"We're free now," I tell him, pushing up onto my tiptoes to kiss him on the lips, "and we're never going to be imprisoned like that again. Nothing will stop us. We're going to find all four of the keys and stop the Titans. Then do you know what we're going to do?"

He stares at my lips, his own spreading into a smirk. "Tell me."

"We're going to live happily ever-fucking-after. Me, you, Luke, Axel and Scott. Hell, even Ozy and Memphis once we free him," I add with a grin. "And nothing will be able to take that away. Trust in us, Gold. We'll do this together no matter what."

Closing the small distance, Gold crashes his lips against mine and lifts me off my feet into his arms. I'll never get tired of this. The way he holds me like I'm nothing and yet kisses me like I'm everything takes my break away. Unfortunately, the moment is ruined when—

"Oi. Lovebirds!" Axel bellows from the top of his lungs. "Leave the smoochin' for later. We've got dragons to slay."

Beside him, Scott whacks Axel on the back of the head. "Enough of the jokes, you fucking idiot. Dragons have extraordinary hearing." He turns to face something in the trees. "He's only kidding!"

Grinning, Gold sets me on the ground and takes my hand. "Time to go home," he says, brushing his lips softly over my forehead.


I can't remember the last time I ever felt like I had a home. I guess now the only one I've Copyright 2016 - 2024