Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,10

got is with my guys, and honestly, that’s all I want right now. But first, I need to save the Enchanted Forest, and then we can build a home together away from all the chaos.

Just me and my guys.

Once we join the others on a cliff that overlooks the sea, I shield my gaze against the kingdom shining in the distance.

Gold lets go of my hand and moves several feet away. With a twist of his body, he changes from the man I fell in love with to the dragon who's become my shadow. He brings his enormous head down until it’s laying on the ground, almost like he's bowing to me.

Gods, he's beautiful. I'll never get over how insanely breathtaking his dragon is.

And powerful.

Now we just need to get into Draconia and find the second Titan key.

Chapter 6


Gold swoops through the cavern, his gigantic wings outstretched as I clutch his scales. The sapphires carved in the cave walls gleam around us like stars blinking in the night sky, each of them bouncing off Gold's scales. Sunlight teases from the other end of the cavern, and Gold pulls his wings in and tilts onto his side. My breath momentarily leaves me as we fly through and enter the Dragon Kingdom. And it's even more beautiful than I ever imagined.

I hold on tighter and scan the cities on the lake below. The buildings are divided into factions that are linked together with breathtaking bridges. A beautiful garden rests in the middle of the lake, but my gaze is drawn to the palace in the distance. It's considerably taller than the other cities, almost as if it's watching over them, and the plunging waterfall wraps the base of the palace in a cloud of mist.

Butterflies swirl around in my stomach as Gold flies down to the ground. When he lands in a gorgeous iridescent courtyard, he bows his head to let me slip off, and then he shakes his body. But he doesn't shift like I expect him to. Instead, he stands tall, his talons planted firmly on the ground, and looks heavenward.

I follow his gaze to the dragon statue that towers over the palace. Its claws are wrapped around a dragon egg where a plunging waterfall pours out and connects to the lake that surrounds the kingdom.

His doubt is creeping into him again. I just know it.

"This is your home," I tell him firmly. "You belong here, Zavier Gold, as much as any other dragon belongs here."

His head turns in my direction, his stunning gold eyes intent on me. He nods only once before he twists his body and transforms back into his male form. I'm wrapped in his arms barely a second later, ever so softly planting a kiss to my lips.

"What business does a halfbreed have in the Dragon King's realm?"

I jump at the deep, hostile voice and look around until my eyes land on the cloaked figure marching toward us. The gold medallion around his neck flashes in the light as he emerges with an entourage of armored guards behind him. The man is distinctly leaner than the guards, not quite as intimidating, but he clearly holds a position of authority. His silk robes and long blond hair move behind him like a blanket of sunlight.

Gold doesn't let my hand go as he takes a step forward. "I'm Zavier Gold, the king's former High General. I have come to request an audience with him."

The man's footsteps falter, if only just for a moment. "Gold?" His pale eyes flicker to the guards, who have lowered their weapons slightly. "I do not recall this name. The king has been without a High General for—"

"Eight years, three months and six days," Gold cuts in, his grip tightening on my hand protectively. His tone remains completely unaltered, his expression one of utter calmness and control. "I would have returned sooner had I not been falsely imprisoned in Shadowborn Prison."

The man stops beside us, his sharp, patrician features pull into a tight grimace. "If what you say is true, then you are aware of what happens to those who commit treason—"

"Zavier?" The soft female voice carries to my ears. "Zavier, my darling!"

The guards hurry to move out of the way. Even the man turns to look over his shoulder at the beautiful woman on the palace steps. She bundles the hem of her sky blue dress into her hands and runs forward, her long white hair whipping behind her.

Gold releases my hand and Copyright 2016 - 2024