Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,33

of us. Hell, the six of us if you want that Ozy thing."

"Of course I want Ozy with us!" I giggle, glancing at the Shade; who's more than happy to have so much attention from the other students. "I couldn't imagine the six of us not being together now."

"Exactly. So don't mourn what you've lost or what used to be. Just be happy because it happened, and know that it'll happen again, just differently."

"Since when the fuck did you get so philosophical?" Gold laughs, punching Axel playfully on the shoulder. "Have you been swallowing some of Scott’s fancy books, eh?"

Axel narrows his eyes mirthfully. "Watch it, mate, or you'll be swallowing my fist in a minute."

He lets me go to play-fight with Gold. I smile and watch them, my mind no longer focused on the present but on our future... together.

“I’m going to catch up with my friends,” Willow says, giving me a weak smile.

“Of course. And Willow… promise me that you’ll stay here? We’ll be leaving soon and I really need you to stay here with the others.”

Her features harden. “I can fight, Izora.”

“I know you can, but…” I trail off, casting a glance at the other students. “They need someone they know and trust right now, and as much as your Head Girl bullshit used to drive me nuts, you’re the perfect girl for the job, Willow. You can give them the hope they need.”

She hesitates, worrying her lower lip. “If anything happens to you—”

“I’ll be fine,” I assure her, nodding to my guys. “Do you really think

The door to the hall opens, and Scott slides through them. I search for the others. Luke is busy sifting through the weapons that have been stacked in the corner. Willow is laughing with some of her friends. Axel and Gold are fighting and joking with each other. Looks like everything's under control here, so I follow Scott on instinct. And even when I don't see him in the hallway, I know where he's gone.

His classroom.

I know the way like the back of my hand. Gods, I used to sit in his class nearly every day and fantasize about him. Who would've thought that silly little crush would result in us actually being together?

I try not to focus on how empty the academy is, how... desolate, as I make my way to his classroom. The lower half of the castle is like a ghost town. There's no more beauty to be found in the shadows, no magical creatures sleeping in the gigantic flowers or on top of the huge, glowing mushrooms. It's just completely desolate and abandoned down here.

Even the mirrors and windows have all been smashed. Well, almost all of them. A single mirror, carved into the trunk of a tree in the courtyard, remains intact. And the closer I get to it, I realise why.

It's Kaelah.

I rush over to the mirror and peer into the glass. Kaelah smiles back at me, her reflection so clear that I could reach out and touch her. My mind races with all the questions I need to ask her.

"Kaelah, I can't believe it's you. I have so many questions!"

Her smile fades like snow melting beneath the sun. "I do not have long. I am using the last of my magic to send you this." She reaches out, and her hand projects from the glass. Slowly she uncurls her fingers to reveal a small scroll. "Here is the spell you must say when all of my lovers are gathered together. You must be exactly in the middle of them. Say this spell and the keys will open the portal."

I take the scroll and read the spell. It's more like a poem than anything.

"Thank you. Kaelah, I know where the last key is. I---"

Her smile returns fleetingly, but then the mirror goes black and I can no longer see her. I press my palm to the glass and close my eyes. I wish I had longer. There's so much I wanted to tell her.

Tucking the scroll into my pocket beside the petals, I pull my hand back and head toward Scott's classroom. The door is slightly ajar when I arrive, and slivers of light pool through the hinges. I gently push the door open wider and step into the room. The chairs and desks have all been moved to one side of the room, but Scott's desk remains at the front. He's standing beside it, his back bent and his hands splayed on the wooden Copyright 2016 - 2024