Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,32

I just wanted to ask him questions about Eva, and then I was going to let him go. "Dammit!"

I stare down at his dead body, angry that he killed himself because he was afraid of me. Is this what following Eva looks like? Fear and death? My stomach heaves as I turn on my heel and head back to my guys. The other soldiers have been gathered into a line on their knees, their hands clasped behind their heads.

“They say they’ve come from the academy,” Scott growls, a dark shadow flickering over his features.

Axel nudges a soldier with the tip of his steel-capped boot. “Tell her what you saw!”

The soldiers are silent until Axel pushes his boot against the soldier’s groin, and the fae cries out.

“A Titan… attacked the academy… We were ordered to clean up the mess and keep the students inside. They’re still… there… Argh!”

Axel yanks his foot back and looks at me. “What should we do with them? Give them a taste of their own medicine?”

“No!” The word escapes me before I fully register it. “We will not be like Eva.” I walk in front of the soldiers and cross my arms to hide my shaking, and I lift my chin high. "I am Princess Izora, the rightful Queen of Helios. You have chosen the wrong princess to follow; a princess who has been poisoned and wishes to deceive you."

The soldiers exchange a worried glance as I pace in front of them.

"You stand for light, but the fae you have chosen wants to turn that light into darkness," I resume calmly. "Not even the Dark Fae Queen is on Eva's side anymore. She is all but a lost cause, blinded by her greed, and her only desire is to cover the Forest in shadows at the hands of the Titans. If you're a true soldier, you'll know that without the light, there cannot be shadows. The Forest needs both of them to survive. But Eva wants to destroy that balance, which in turn will destroy you and all those you care about."

"We know," a soldier hisses. "It is why we have deserted the Light One and kept the students safe from her."

The soldier on his left snarls. "She is not worthy to be called the Light One anymore."

My pulse spikes upon hearing their desertion. Already Eva is losing those who swore fealty to her, and I couldn't be happier. "Then stand with me," I say. "Stand and together we can restore peace and balance to the Forest. I need your help. Will you fight with me?"

For a moment, I almost think the soldiers are about to say no. But then the first speaker nods and the others follow suit. A smile slides over my lips.

Eva, you better watch out... I'm taking your army, and I’m coming for you next.

Chapter 17

Returning to Shadowborn Academy doesn't feel like I've come home. It feels more like I've walked into a prison camp. Students stare at me with their empty, gaunt expressions as I follow Ozy into the Great Hall. The leader of the soldiers, Kyro, said that after the Titan tore the roof off and started to attack the students, the soldiers switched sides to protect my fellow shadowborns. The new headmistress sacrificed herself to make sure Corvina and the others survived the attack. I don't know who this Ivywood woman was, but I will never forget her sacrifice.

An eerie chill sweeps over me as I stop beside my guys and look around the hall. Makeshift beds litter the floor, and the students who sit at them are so miserable that I can't bring myself to meet their gaze. I should've been here to help them. Yes, they had Corvina, but I should've... I should've...

"Why are you crying?" Axel slides an arm around my waist and pulls me into him, his musky scent wrapping around my senses.

"I just can't believe what's happened to my school," I whisper, my lip trembling. "This place was my home."

Scott glances at me, his thick eyebrows drawing together. The pain reflects in his eyes, too. This was his home as much as it was mine. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and walks over to the students gathered around one of the tables.

"Well, here's how I see it, cutie," Axel says, tilting my chin so that I look up at him; I just manage to hold back my tears. "Once this is all over, we get to build a new home. Together. The five Copyright 2016 - 2024