Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,14

my son as he flips a much larger dragon onto his neck and pins him down effortlessly. He has the same hair and features as me, except for his eyes; they're his mother's.

I stand by the water fountain to get a better view of him. The badge flashing on his leather uniform tells me he's a Shadow Warden. His mother had been training to become a High Warden, so I'm not surprised to find my son followed in her footsteps. I am, however, proud. He's made something of himself. And he's here on behalf of Izora's friend, the Dark Fae Princess?

It's a small fucking world.

When Zander moves away to help the soldier off the floor, he glances in my direction and I freeze to the spot. I have two possible solutions. Either I go over and tell Zander I'm his old man, or I walk away out of this hall and never look back. Zander gets to live his life without the father who abandoned him before he was even born.

At the sight of Zander laughing and clapping a comrade on the shoulder, I decide on the latter. He doesn't need me to come into his life right now, especially during a war. He's here on a mission, the same as I am, and the last thing I should do is tip his world upside down. That'd be so fucking selfish of me. It doesn't matter how greatly I want to walk over and hug my boy. Now isn't the time, contrary to what the king said.

I will go to Zander as soon as the war has been won; for now, he's perfectly content without me.

Turning on my heel, I leave the hall and head back to the guest chambers. Izora is the one who needs me right now.

She's my priority.

Chapter 8


The fragrant oils invade my senses as I sink down into the warm bathtub. Gods, I've needed this. I lean back in the water and breathe in the pleasant fumes. The queen's lady-in-waiting, Ximena, said the oils have incredible healing properties. I sink back in the tub with a sigh and drape my arms over the edges. My mind drifts to my guys and how I wish they could be here with me.

Luke would love the Dragon Kingdom. It's so beautiful and unlike the rest of the forest, yet there are glimmers that are distinctly part of Zorya which feel like home. The freedom and fresh air are what I imagine Axel would enjoy most after so many years in captivity. Scott would no doubt love the many soaps and herbs, as well as the flowers I have never seen before. They must grow them all here, and I wonder if their medicine or magic is different to our own. I’m sure Scott would have a million questions for their healers.

Hopefully, once this is all over, we can come back here on vacation. Queen Valessia didn't appear to hate me, despite that I'm Light Fae. I wonder if King Cyrus will feel the same way. I don't know much about him other than what I've read in the Book of Zorya. He can be an unjust king with a quick and violent temper—contrary to his frail appearance—and is known for his ruthlessness toward outsiders. I don't think Gold would have left me alone if he thought I'd be in any danger.

Closing my eyes, I press my head against the back of the tub and allow myself to savor this moment. Guilt threatens to snake its way into me. I know I shouldn't be enjoying such luxuries while so many innocent magics are being killed at the hands of Eva and the Dark Fae Queen. However, I don't know when I'll next be able to do this, and after everything I've gone through, I deserve it. If all goes well at the feast, I'll be one step closer to collecting all the Titan keys.

A knock on the door forces me to open my eyes.

"Your Highness, it is time to get dressed. Would you like me to assist you? Master Gia’s gowns can be a little difficult to manoeuvre."

"No, I can do it myself," I quickly reply, not wanting Ximena fussing over me again.

I don't think I'll ever get used to this royal malarkey. When I take my throne, I'll dress and tend to myself, thank you very much. If there's one thing my mother taught me well, it's how to be self-sufficient.

Once I've dried myself with the fluffiest towels in Copyright 2016 - 2024