Shadowborn Queen - G. Bailey Page 0,13

go on to tell him about Izora and how she is the rightful heir to the Throne of Helios. This news, however, is not unknown to him.

"Two bastards destined for the thrones," he says, drumming his fingers on the armrest, "one blue of hair and the other the brightest starlight. This prophecy has long been foretold."

"Then you know we must help them claim what is rightfully theirs in order to protect the Forest?"

He slowly shakes his head. "I do know, but my kingdom is not part of the prophecy. Long has Draconia suffered at the hands of the Light Fae. If they wish to battle amongst themselves..." He waves his hand dismissively. "That is their business. I have no desire to wound my kingdom for a cause that does not affect us."

A shadow of unease creeps over me. I know more than anyone how stubborn King Cyrus can be. No matter what I say now, I will not be able to pressure him to fight this war unless his royal advisors do, and they only care about Draconia. But not all hope is lost. Izora might be small, but her spirit is fierce and unyielding. I have no doubt she'll fight a strong case in convincing Cyrus to fight with her. He may still refuse, but it's a chance, and the only one we've got. With this in mind, I resort to other pressing matters.

"To bind the Titans and open the portal that’ll send them back, I require the key. From what I recall, it was secured in the palace vault. Is that still the case?"

The king shakes his head again. "I'm afraid not. But I will explain all at the feast. You and I have something else to discuss in the meantime. Zander."

My pulse spikes at the mention of my son. Zander is here? In the same place as me? Excitement and dread twists my guts into knots. For eighteen years, I've thought about him. I have wondered what he looks like and the dragon he came to be. I had wanted to reach out to him, to send him a letter, but each time I tried, the words vanished from my mind and the parchment remained blank. Now he's here, in the palace?

"Just like you were sent on behalf of your princess, Zander was sent on behalf of his." The king takes another sip of his wine, his gaze brimming over the glass. "It appears Selena guided you here for a reason."

I frown at the emotion that slithers through me and twists into a coiled snake.

Cyrus leans over the table, his expression shifting from king to the brother I grew up with. "Let us stop this talk of war. Why don't you go to him in the training hall? He'll be joining us for the feast but must leave at first light."

I stare down at my reflection shimmering within the glass of wine. "I cannot disrupt his life. Now isn't the time."

"Is there ever a time?" The king's eyebrows draw together again. "Go to your son, Zavier. You have waited long enough."

"But my mate—"

He lifts a ringed hand to preempt me. "We will discuss during the feast. For now, I want you to meet your son. Valessia has not stopped fussing over him since he arrived some days gone. She thought you had died in the prison and Zander was all she had left of you."

I lift my gaze. "Does Zander know that I’m here?"

"No. We thought it best he discovered it on his own."

A surge of relief trickles down my spine. "Thank you."

The king tilts his head and side-eyes me. "Are you going to see him?" When I answer with a nod, he adds, "Then go and make haste."

I stand from my chair and bow to him. He extends a hand so that I may kiss his signet ring: a reminder that I have been accepted into my kingdom once again. A whirlwind of emotions churns inside me as I depart the throne room and make my way to the training hall.

Zander is here. My fucking son is here.

Every step to the training hall feels like I'm in a dream. When the guards move aside and I step over the threshold, I almost pinch myself when I see the young man fighting with another dragon. Crowds of other soldiers move around them, their hand-to-hand combat filling the hall with incessant noise. It reminds me of my own combat days. But right now, all I'm focusing on is Copyright 2016 - 2024