Shades of Gray - By Jackie Kessler & Caitlin Kittredge Page 0,60

little bit. But I swear to you, I’m coming back.”

“I want to believe you,” she whispers. “But Sam, you’re going to break my heart again.”

“I promise you, Joannie Greene, I’m coming back. I love you.”

She throws her arms around him and he bends down to kiss her. Their lips meet, and Jet allows herself to believe Samson’s promise. And for that little piece of forever, everything is perfect.

The kiss lasts a long, long time.

Jet’s eyelids fluttered as she swam up to consciousness. Three things hit her immediately: one, she was wearing only her bra and panties. Two, she had no idea where she was. And three, if she didn’t get to a bathroom right now, she was going to burst.

She sat up, blinking as she looked around. After a moment, it clicked: She was in one of the headquarters’ back rooms they’d been using as sleeping quarters. Pennants and jerseys littered the walls, brushed with the dust of glories past. Okay, that meant the bathroom was down the hall, headed toward the main barroom. Progress.

Grabbing the blanket that had covered her, she pushed off the cot and tested the strength of her legs. She was a little dizzy, but that could be from low blood sugar. She wrapped the starchy blanket around her, making an impromptu toga, and padded out of the small room. In the hallway, she got her bearings and soon found the women’s room and did her business.

She eyed the shower longingly, but instead she headed out to the main room, modesty be damned.

A glance showed her Meteorite hovering by the main console, absently polishing the bar top with a rag as she watched a multiscreen vid of what looked like rioting and newsies commenting and police holding back protesters and—

“Light,” Jet breathed, “is that City Hall on fire?”

Meteorite squawked as she jumped, her rag balled in her fist. Blushing furiously, she let out a shaky breath. “Christo, don’t sneak up on a person like that! How’re you feeling?”

“Fine,” Jet answered. It was true: She was feeling clearheaded and, unbelievably, well rested. “Hungry.”

Meteorite chuckled. “I bet.”

“What’s happening at City Hall?”

“More protesters. Some got creative. Firebug’s already on her way to help the city’s Bravest and to try to do some PR damage control.”

“Good.” Jet stared at the screens for a moment, thinking about how the mayor would take his office getting crisped. Probably about as well as Everyman had taken it when their HQ had been bombed. At least this time, Kai was doing her duty.

… save the world …

Something nagged at Jet, something about … Everyman? No, that wasn’t quite right. But she had more important things to think about. Gripping her blanket tightly, she said, “How’d I get here? Where are the others? Are they all right?” A pause. “And why am I naked?”

That last bothered Jet immensely. She remembered the sound of Bruce’s laughter, the feeling of his hands on her body. She gritted her teeth. Her hormones were going to be the death of her.

“Slow down,” Meteorite said, holding up her hands in surrender. “The others are out, doing what they can. You’re naked because I had to get your outfit off you before I could see the extent of your injuries.”

Injuries? She’d been hurt?

Before Jet could ask about that, Meteorite said, “What do you remember?”

Jet frowned, thinking. “I’d gone after Firebug and Steele, then I confronted Hypnotic …” She blanked. She had the impression of talking to him, of his touching her face, his eyes shining in wonder. “He told me his name is Hal.”

“Harold Gibbons, code name Doctor Hypnotic. What happened when you were in there?”

“I’m not sure. We talked, I know that much. But …” Her frown deepened. Part of her was insisting that Hypnotic had helped her with … something … but it was like chasing smoke. “I can’t remember.”

“That’s not a surprise,” Meteorite said slowly. “All things considered, you and the others got off lucky.”

Jet’s eyes widened. “The others. Steele, Firebug. And Taser, I’d called him in for assistance. Are they all right?”

“Kai’s a little worse for the wear, but getting back into the thick of things has done wonders for her. And you know Harriet,” Meteorite said with a chuckle. “Steele’s unbendable.”

“And Bruce?” Jet asked softly.

“Taser, Iridium, and Boxer got you and the others out. They brought you here, and I’ve been checking on you while you recuperated.”

Iridium had shown up after all—and with backup? Jet’s mind whirled as she tore at her memories, trying to remember Copyright 2016 - 2024