Shades of Gray - By Jackie Kessler & Caitlin Kittredge Page 0,59

come here without an escort.

Apparently, Hypnotic had been causing some problems. Night had always appreciated the man’s sheer willpower.

Night squatted in front of the former hero. “Doctor Hypnotic,” he said mildly. “Anyone home?”

Dark eyes rolled to peer at him—dulled, yes, but that didn’t dilute the intensity of that gaze.

Well and good. If the man had been too doped up, it would have wasted Night’s time. He cast a Shadownet: an invisible, soundproof bubble of Shadow. No one would overhear what he had to say to his former colleague. “I only have three minutes, so I’ll keep this brief. It’s not a social call. Actually, it’s an offer.”

Hypnotic stared at him.

“Do you want to spend the rest of your life tucked away in Mental? You’d be safe from the world if you stay. And the world, I suppose, would be safe from you. And from what I hear, every Tuesday, Angelica comes to visit. Very loving of her, no?”

Hypnotic’s eyes narrowed.

“Or,” Night said, “you could go out into the world. No more drugs to dull your wits and steal your power. No more Dr. Moore and his Therapists telling you what you should be thinking and why you’re safer in your padded room and jacket without arm movement. And,” he added, his voice like velvet, “I’m sure that Angelica would love to see you free.”

Hypnotic frowned.

“I know, you’re probably thinking that she went and married Blackout and is now carrying his whelp inside of her. But you should see her eyes whenever she speaks of you.” He smiled. “Blackout might own her body, but there’s no question who owns her heart.”

Now Hypnotic’s frown deepened, as if he were considering Night’s well-rehearsed words.

Night pitched his voice as low as the shadows. “You do know it was Corp that insisted she leave you for Blackout, don’t you?”

Hypnotic closed his eyes. Night saw a fine tremble work its way over the man’s massive shoulders. Good. It had been a calculated lie—but it had struck home. He had no idea why the vapid woman had left Hypnotic for Blackout, nor did he care.

“So you can stay here,” Night said, “safe from the world. Or you can go out there and use your power. Make the world the way it should be.” He stood, taking care to flare his cloak enough to mask the sudden movement of his hand. He dropped the tiny square, which landed on Hypnotic’s bent knee.

“Put it on your tongue. It’ll dissolve quickly. And within twenty-four hours, it’ll scrub your system of the drugs they’ve pumped inside of you. And then …” Night smiled. “Well, I leave that to your imagination.”

Before he turned his back, he saw Hypnotic bend over double. When he straightened, the square had disappeared.

“Be seeing you,” Night called over his shoulder as he dropped the Shadownet. And then he marched out of Hypnotic’s cell and locked up behind him.

If the Shadow whispered to him that day, he didn’t notice. Night was too busy thinking of what tomorrow would bring.


Garth holds Julie’s hand as he sings to her. He knows she can’t hear him; she’s lost somewhere his voice can’t reach her. But he sings anyway, and he squeezes her hand, and he pretends that everything is going to be right as rain.

He knows he’s lucky Julie got a hospital bed. The place is overflowing with victims of this so-called zombie plague. Seven other people share the room with Julie, and they each have at least one person holding vigil. Garth doesn’t care about the tight quarters. Truth be told, he doesn’t even notice.

Garth holds his wife’s hand, and he sings softly in Gaelic. And he prays to a god he’s sure isn’t listening that Julie will wake up again.



Wurtham cut off all funding today, claiming ‘questionable background.’ Thinks he’s untouchable. Hired a freelancer to show my displeasure. City Hall too; good distraction. Phase 3 of Project Sunstroke delayed indefinitely.

—From the journal of Martin Moore, final entry

She knows she’s dreaming because Sam is with her, one hand sliding around her waist.

“Nothing is going to happen today,” he murmurs in her ear. “It’s a good day.”

“You’re lying.” She says it like a sigh. Her heart is heavy, and her eyes sting with tears. “You’re going to get killed, and all I’ll have left is the Shadow.”

“Jet,” he says, “I promise you, I’m still here.” He embraces her, and looks her in the eye, promising, “I’m not leaving you.”

“You’re lying.”

“No, Joannie. I’m not. I have to go away for a Copyright 2016 - 2024