Seven Dials Page 0,25

inside the entrance, her feet on the trampled sawdust, the smell of beer in the air and the noise of men's voices and clinking glasses all around her.

She had to look for several moments before she saw Tellman tucked away in the farthest corner, his head bent, staring somberly into his glass. The young man opposite him regarded him with deference. Since Pitt's departure Tellman was a senior officer, although it still sat uneasily on him. He knew more than almost anyone else of the truth about the way Pitt had been plotted against, and who was responsible. He loathed the man who had replaced him, and more seriously than that, he also distrusted him. All his experience since Wetron's arrival had indicated that he had motives and ambitions that were far from the simple success of solving crime. It was even possible that Wetron aimed as high as taking over leadership of the terrible secret organization of the Inner Circle.

Gracie knew that both Mr. Pitt and Tellman feared that, but she had only overheard it and did not dare to speak of it openly to either of them. She looked across at Tellman now and wondered how heavily that weighed upon him. She could see in him none of the ease he had had when working with Pitt, even if he would never have admitted to it.

She made her way through the crowd towards him, elbowing her way between men all but oblivious of her, pushing and poking to make them step aside, and she was almost at Tellman's seat before he looked up and saw her. His face filled with alarm, as if she could only bring bad news.

"Gracie? What is it?" He rose to his feet automatically, but ignored his companion, not seeing any need to introduce them.

She had rather hoped to approach the subject obliquely, and that he would be pleased to see her, but she had to admit to herself that in the past she had only sought him out without invitation when she had needed his help. When it was purely personal she had waited for him to speak first. After all, to begin with she had been unwilling to offer him anything more than a rather impatient friendship. He was a dozen years older than she and firmly entrenched in his beliefs, which in most cases were contrary to hers. He passionately disapproved of being in service-it offended all his principles of social justice-whereas she saw it as an honorable way to earn a living and a very comfortable day-to-day existence. She felt no subservience and was impatient with his prickly and unrealistic pride.

She forced herself to be more polite now than she felt. She was speaking to him in front of his junior and she should treat him with respect.

"I come for yer advice," she said meekly. "If yer can spare me 'alf an hour or so."

He was startled by her unusual courtesy, and only after a moment realized it was for the constable's benefit. His lean face softened with an unusual touch of humor. "I'm sure I could do that. Is Mrs. Pitt all right?" It was not good manners that made him ask-he cared profoundly. Pitt and Charlotte were as close to him as anyone he knew. He was a stiff, proud, and lonely man, and friendship did not come easily to him. He had resented Pitt when they first met. Pitt had been promoted to a position Tellman felt was only suitable for gentlemen, or those who had served in the army or navy. The son of a gamekeeper had no qualifications for command, and for men like Tellman to be expected to call them "sir" and offer them the deference of position stuck in his throat. Pitt had won his respect only a step at a time, but once earned it was a loyalty as deep as a bond of blood.

"Well, this isn't a right place for you," Tellman said, regarding Gracie with a slight frown. "I'll walk you to the omnibus, and you can tell me what it's about." He turned to the constable. "See you in the morning, Hotchkiss."

Hotchkiss stood up obediently. "Yes, sir. Good night, sir. Good night, miss."

"Good night, Constable," Gracie replied, then turned to Tellman as he moved past her and led the way, parting the crowd for her. She followed him out of the door onto the pavement, where they were now alone. "It matters, or I wouldn't 'a bothered yer," she Copyright 2016 - 2024