Seven Dials Page 0,24

butler?" she said finally.

Tilda nodded. "Yeah. I asked the bootboy, 'cos bootboys often gets ter see all sorts, and they're too cheeky, most of 'em, not ter tell yer. They don't get listened to much, so they got ter make up fer it when they can." The momentary humor vanished from her face. "But 'e said as Martin just disappeared sudden. One day 'e were there, just like usual, the next day 'e weren't."

"But 'e lives in, don't 'e?" Gracie said, puzzled.

"Yeah, course 'e does! 'E's Mr. Stephen Garrick's valet. Does everythin' for 'im, 'e does. Mr. Stephen swears by 'im."

Gracie took a deep breath. This was too serious for allowing kindness to overrule honesty. "Could Mr. Garrick 'ave lost his temper over summink and dismissed 'im, and Martin been too ashamed ter tell yer until 'e finds another position?" She hated suggesting such a thing, and she saw from the crumpled look in Tilda's face how much the idea hurt.

"No!" Tilda shook her head fiercely. "No! Martin wouldn't never do nothin' ter get 'isself dismissed. An' Mr. Garrick leans on 'im. I mean fer real, not jus' ter tie 'is cravats an' keep 'is clothes nice." Her hands were clenched, the buttered scones forgotten. " 'E looks after 'im when 'e drinks too much or gets sick, or does summink daft. Yer can't jus' find someone else ter do that fer yer in a moment, like. It's... it's loyalty." She stared at Gracie with bright, frightened eyes, pleading to be understood and believed that loyalty was too precious not to extend both ways. It deserved better than to be discarded simply because one had the power to do so.

Gracie had no such faith in the honor of employers. She had worked for the Pitts since she was thirteen and had no personal experience of anybody else, but she knew enough stories of others not to be so happily naive.

"Did yer speak ter Mr. Garrick 'isself?" she asked.

Tilda was startled. "No, o' course I din't! Cor, Gracie, you in't half got a cheek! 'Ow'd I get speakin' ter Mr. Garrick?" Her voice rose in amazement. "It took all the nerve I got ter go an' ask Mr. Simms, an' 'e looked at me like I'd overstepped meself. 'E'd 'alf a mind ter send me packin', till 'e realized Martin were me brother. Yer gotter respec' family, like. That's only decent."

"Well, don't worry," Gracie said with determination. She had made up her mind. Pitt might be too busy with Special Branch things, but Tellman was not. He used to be Pitt's sergeant at Bow Street, and was now promoted. He had been in love with Gracie for some time, even though he was only just admitting it to himself now, and that with deep reluctance. She would tell him, and he would be able to make the proper enquiries and solve the case. And it was a case, Gracie acknowledged that. "I'll get it done for yer," she added, smiling across at Tilda with assurance. "I know someone as'll look at it proper, an' find the truth."

Tilda relaxed at last, and very tentatively smiled back. "Can yer really? I thought if there was anyone, it'd be you. Thanks ever so... I dunno wot ter say, 'ceptin' I really am grateful to yer."

Gracie felt embarrassed, and afraid she had promised too much. Of course Tellman would do it, but the answer might not be one that would bring Tilda any happiness. "I in't done nuffink yet!" she said, looking down and concentrating on finishing her tea. "But we'll get it sorted. Now yer'd better tell me everythin' 'bout Martin, all where 'e's worked an' things like that." She had no pencil or paper with her, but she had only just recently learned to read and write, so her memory was long trained in accuracy, as it had needed to be.

Tilda began the account, remembering details from the same necessity. When she was finished they went outside into the busy street and parted, Tilda to continue her errands, her head higher, her step brisker than before, Gracie to return to Keppel Street and ask Charlotte if she might have the evening off in order to find Tellman.

It was granted without hesitation.

GRACIE WAS FORTUNATE at the second attempt. Tellman was not at the Bow Street station, but she found him two blocks away in a public house having a pint of ale with a constable with whom he had been working. She stood just Copyright 2016 - 2024