Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,48

the CSIs,” Eli relayed to them. He took the call, but this time he didn’t put it on speaker.

The moments crawled by, and while she could hear the chatter on the other end of the line, Ashlyn couldn’t make out what the caller was saying. Gunnar and Kellan stayed put, too, obviously waiting to hear.

“You’re sure?” Eli asked the caller, and he gave a resigned nod before he ended the call. “The Rangers sent in imaging equipment. Ground-penetrating radar.” He paused, his gaze locking with Ashlyn’s. “There’s a body buried beneath the headstone at Remy’s place.”

A body.


Ashlyn hadn’t expected the news to hit her as hard as it did. After all, Remy had told them he’d had her buried there. Still, she’d held on to a thin thread of hope that he’d lied, that Marta was out there somewhere and alive.

“They’ll exhume the body,” Eli went on, “so that we’ll have confirmation.”

Yes, that was a legal necessity, but all four of them knew the truth. They hadn’t been mistaken about Marta being gunned down in that alley.

“I can take the interview with Waite,” Kellan offered.

But Eli shook his head. “You’re about to drop on your feet. Get some rest, and I’ll have a go at him.”

Kellan didn’t refuse. “I’ll catch a nap in the break room.” He looked at Gunnar. “Come and get me if anything breaks.”

Gunnar assured him that he would, and Kellan walked out. Eli stayed put, and he caught on to her hand. “Are you okay?”

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” she admitted.

He gave a dry smile that didn’t make it to his eyes, and he pulled her into his arms. “Having hope can make you end up feeling like you took a punch to the gut, huh?”

Yes, it could.

“I replay that night all the time,” he went on, not waiting for her to answer. “I go over all the things I should have done. If I’d just seen how things were going to play out, I could have stopped it. Marta would be alive, and you wouldn’t have been shot. In my mind, I undo the mistakes and make it all right.”

Ashlyn tightened her grip on him, eased him closer. “I do the same thing. Not just with what went on that night but how I dealt with the aftermath.” She looked up at him. “I was wrong to blame you, but you were alive and an easy target.”

Eli shrugged, but she knew there was nothing casual or dismissive about it. Her blame had hurt him. Maybe even crushed him. She could see that now, and while it wouldn’t go back and undo those scars, she hoped the kiss she brushed on his mouth would help with the healing.

“I’m in love with you, Eli,” she said. “I have been for years.” Then she winced at his stunned expression. “Yes, I know. The timing sucks.” Ashlyn huffed, kissed him again and then eased him back away from her. “Go ahead and talk to Waite. I’ll be in the observation room, and when we’re done, we can finish this conversation.”

Because he didn’t budge, she thought he might refuse, but then he cursed, caught on to her hand and headed toward the hall. They were nearly at observation when Dominick and his lawyer came out of the interview room.

Ashlyn groaned before she could stop herself. She was emotionally wrung out, and she was positive that showed on her face. It certainly showed on Dominick’s. Over the past couple of months, she’d seen him angry and combative, but she’d never seen him look exhausted.

“Ashlyn.” The weariness was in his voice, too. “My lawyer and I were just going over my statement. I just signed it,” he added to Eli.

Eli made a sound that could have meant anything, and he would have moved Ashlyn past them if Dominick hadn’t stepped in front of her.

“It’s not a good time to annoy me,” Eli warned him, and every part of him was dark and dangerous.

Dominick nodded, and if he was bothered by Eli’s show of temper, he didn’t react. “I only wanted to tell Ashlyn that I was sorry. I can’t imagine how stressful the attacks have been for her.”

The apology seemed sincere, and she thought that Dominick wanted her to respond with some kind of olive branch of her own. But he didn’t wait for that. Motioning for his lawyer to follow him, Dominick walked out.

Just seeing the man leave helped Ashlyn settle some of her nerves. So did Copyright 2016 - 2024