Settling an Old Score - Delores Fossen Page 0,47

the mortician, and right now Remy had the strongest motive for that. With the mortician dead and those files missing, there’d be no proof that Remy had indeed stolen Marta’s body. Well, no proof other than the body itself. But what if it wasn’t there?

She immediately shook her head, rethinking that. Remy had been very upset as he stood by that headstone. She’d practically been able to feel his grief, and Ashlyn didn’t think he’d be able to fake that.

Ashlyn continued to watch as Gunnar stood with the still-cuffed gunman, and Gunnar motioned for Garcia to follow him. The two deputies led the man not toward lockup but in the direction of the interview room. Maybe that meant the guy was willing to talk. A few minutes later, Gunnar returned with Kellan. Eli quickly ended his call and joined them in Kellan’s office.

“The guy’s name is Al Waite,” Gunnar said. “And you were right about him having a record,” he added to Eli. “B&E, assault, drug possession. He’s only thirty-one, and he’s already spent nearly seven years behind bars.”

“Did he say who hired him?” Eli immediately asked.

“No, but you’ll be able to press him on that. I put him in interview room one since Dominick and his lawyer are still in the other.”

Shortly after she’d arrived back at the sheriff’s office, Ashlyn had heard that Kellan was still in interview, but she hadn’t known if he was with Oscar or Dominick. She hoped that Dominick would just leave quietly because she wasn’t up to another confrontation—with anyone. She just wanted to get all of this resolved so she could get back to the ranch with the baby.

“Waite had a tranquilizer gun on him,” Gunnar went on, snagging Ashlyn’s attention again.

Eli’s head jerked back, and Ashlyn knew the reason for his surprise. Maybe he hadn’t gone there to kill Remy after all.

“You think Waite was waiting for Remy to come out of the barn so he could kidnap him?” Ashlyn asked.

“It’s looking that way. In addition to the tranquilizer gun, he had some tape and restraints on him.”

“But he didn’t go closer to the barn when Remy went inside it,” Eli said as if thinking out loud. “Unless he didn’t see Remy go in.”

True. Garcia didn’t spot Waite until after he’d told them about Remy leaving the backyard and going to the barn.

“Waite could have been waiting for Remy to come back out, too,” Kellan suggested.

That was a possibility as well, but she figured they had all considered something else, and it was Eli who voiced it.

“Remy could have used Waite to distract us so he could get away. And so it would make him look like a potential victim rather than the person who hired Waite.”

Both Gunnar and Kellan made sounds of agreement.

“When I moved up behind Waite to take him,” Eli went on, “his attention was on the barn. I believe he knew Remy was in there.”

And that meant Remy had maybe played them all. Including Waite. The gunman might not have known that the evening would end with his arrest.

“What can you charge Waite with?” she asked.

Gunnar scrubbed his hand over his face. “Parole violation for carrying a weapon. That would send him back to jail to finish out his five-year sentence.”

So, not too much time. If Remy had paid him well, that might be enough to set up this ruse. But why?

“If Remy wanted to escape, why didn’t he just try to drive off?” she pressed.

“That’s what I’ll ask Remy when we find him,” Eli assured her. He checked his watch. “Let me question Waite, and then I can drive you back to the ranch. Is Cora okay?”

“She’s fine. Gloria said she’s already tucked in for the night.”

Eli nodded. “I’ll try to hurry so you can get back to see her.”

She wanted to jump at that offer, but more than that, she wanted answers. “Take your time. I want to know who hired him.” She looked at Kellan. “I’m guessing Oscar or Dominick didn’t make any confessions?”

“Nothing,” Kellan answered on a weary sigh. “But then they both know there’s only circumstantial evidence against them. Neither of them is running scared like Remy.”

Yes, but that didn’t mean one of them wasn’t guilty.

Eli started out, heading for the interview room, but his phone rang after he’d only made it a few steps. He hesitated for just a couple of seconds when he looked at the screen, and Ashlyn didn’t think it was her imagination that he was steeling himself.

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