Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding my Home #2)- Nikita Parmenter Page 0,24

longing but I never thought to ask either of them about it. So I’m quite relived when dad asks to talk to me. If he doesn’t explain what’s going on though I know that Ever knows and is going to fill us in. I did as she asked earlier and watched the three of them. She was right, they all seemed so much happier and some of their interaction sort of reminded me of a less obvious version of how me and the guy’s are with Ever.

Rich and dad never strayed too far from mom, normally it’s just dad but something about their dynamic and how comfortable they are with each other just screams of a mutual past.

Dad leads me off to the side and I watch as all the others go upstairs, probably to watch a film. I know I told her earlier, but I really did miss her. I think today was the longest we spent away from her since she arrived and she was even in the house. The depth of my feelings for her are scary to be honest.

“What’s up dad?”

“I’ve just noticed a couple of things and wanted to talk to you about it” he starts.

I can’t help but tense up. I have no doubt that this has something to do with Ever. I thought my parents were fine with it, they had no problem with the fact that we were all taking her to the Winter Formal. I love my parents they’re honestly awesome but if they try to tell me I can’t spend time with Ever anymore then we’re going to have a serious problem and since I’m already eighteen they don’t really get to have much of a say anyway. I would hate for it to come to that though.

“No matter what Son, make sure you follow you’re heart” he begins.

I can feel my eyebrows furrow with confusion, not where I thought this was going to go.

“No matter what anyone else will think, no matter how unconventional it is. If it feels right, follow your heart” his gaze skips over my shoulder and I follow it, seeing Mom stood with her arm wrapped around Rich’s waist, his arm wrapped around her shoulders pulling her in close. Rich looks up and I turn back in time to see my dad wink at him. Again not the reaction I was expecting. What is going on? He focuses on me again, “if you have any questions about anything, know that you can come to me, there will be no judgement.”

I nod and he takes that as a que to pull me in for a hug and then walks back over to Mom and Rich all of them disappearing through the door and into the night.

I have no idea what that was about.

I take the stairs two at a time rushing to get back to Ever. I’d roll my eyes at myself because of how ridiculous it is but I’m not ashamed in the slightest. As I step through the door my eyes scan the room instantly landing on Ever, as she smiles her eyes light up, and my heart stutters in my chest, she is my heart.

“Il mio Cuore” I say echoing my thoughts, I’m actually surprised she hasn’t asked me what her nickname means yet.

I walk briskly towards the bed leaning over Luc who just smirks and doesn’t even try to make it any easier by moving out the way, the fucker. She tilts her face up to me and I instantly bring my lips to hers, I don’t linger, if I do we’re all going to get distracted and I really want to know what is going on with our parents. I pull back grinning as she tries to follow me.

“Hi” she says breathily, her voice husky and sending a spark of desire straight to my dick. I hear one of the other guy’s quietly groan and my grin widens, at least it’s not just me that’s so easily affected by her.

“Alright, you’ve said hello and Cash is here now what the fuck is going on with the parents?” Jensen demands, the lucky fucker once again lying on her stomach as she plays with his hair, seriously? How does he keep managing to do that! He tilts his head up so he can look at Ever.

I settle in at the end of the bed with Trick and Rafe, absently thinking that we really do need to get a bigger bed or just more Copyright 2016 - 2024