The Secret of You and Me - Melissa Lenhardt Page 0,96

I said, my throat almost closed with emotion.

“Logan was right, by the way. She’s gay.”

“She told you that?”

“Yes. Didn’t hesitate. Nora said you knew.”

I cleared my throat, hoping my voice would sound normal. “It wasn’t my secret to tell.”

“You’re a good friend, to keep her secret all these years. She told me all about it.”

The room swam in front of me, and I leaned against the door-frame for support. “Told you what?” I whispered.

“That she was in love with you. That you rejected her all those years ago. And again today.”

Charlie pulled me into his arms. “No wonder it ended your friendship. How could you be around her knowing she fantasized about you? It’s disgusting. Degrading.” He kissed my neck and slid his hands under my shirt and across my back. When he found no bra strap to unhook, his hand moved to cup my naked breast. His growing erection poked into my thigh, and the thickness in my throat turned to bile. His free hand guided mine beneath the waistband of his underwear. I tried to twist my hand away, so I didn’t have to touch it, but he was stronger than I was. He held my hand around his semihard cock. “Remember our first time,” he asked. “When you slid your hand beneath my shorts?”

“Charlie.” I tried to push him back, but he wouldn’t budge. His hand squeezed my breast harder. “Ow. Charlie.” Two could play that game. I squeezed and twisted his dick before pushing him away and stepping back at the same time.

He cupped his cock. “Fuck, Sophie. That hurt.”

“Oh, but you squeezing my boob didn’t hurt me?”

“But, you like it rough. Angry.”

“Not tonight.”

“Not tonight, what? Do you want to make love gently? Or you don’t want to at all?”

“I’m not in the mood tonight.”

“Are you ever really in the mood, Sophie?”

I sighed. “Can we not?”

“Yes, let’s not. Let’s start with not fucking lying to me anymore. How does that sound?”


He moved forward threateningly. “Cut the shit, Sophie.” His eyes blazed with a rage I’d never seen before. For the first time in our marriage, I was afraid Charlie was going to hit me. “Tell me exactly what went on between you and Nora, and don’t lie to me. If you do, I’ll make sure your daughter never believes another word you say. You and I both know it won’t be difficult to do.”

My throat constricted and my mind immediately went to alcohol. I licked my lips.

He scoffed. He knew me too well. “You’re pathetic.”

“Charlie, you don’t understand.”

“No, I think I do. Nora’s been your trigger for all these years, and now I think I know why. But, I want to hear it from you.”

I took a deep breath and exhaled. I walked around Charlie and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Nora isn’t the trigger.”

“Oh, really.”

I shook my head and kept my gaze on my hands. I rubbed my red thumbnail. “Every time I heard about Nora it reminded me of when we were together. How happy I was. How complete she made me feel.”

“What do you mean when you were together?”

I looked up at him. “You know what I’m saying.”

He crossed his arms over his bare chest and looked away. The muscle in his jaw working. “How long?”

“All of our senior year.”

“Jesus Christ.” He rubbed his hands over his bald head and started pacing. “You dated Joe senior year.”

“We dated y’all so no one would suspect.”

“So, your jealousy about Nora and me was because of Nora, not me?”

I nodded.

His fist balled and his jaw clenched. I leaned away from him, and he caught himself. He turned away. “Nora lied to me today.”

“Yes.” I took a deep breath and told him the full truth.

I should give Charlie credit, he listened to the story from beginning to end without interrupting, but his thoughts and emotions were written plainly on his face. I tried to mask the relief I felt at finally being honest, at the possibilities of a future with Nora.

“And, today? Were you with her today?”


“And, did you...?”


Charlie turned, screamed and slammed his fist into the wall. He immediately swore and shook his hand.

“Charlie!” I went to him, reaching for him. He flinched away from me.

“Don’t touch me.”


“Just shut up, Sophie.”

I dropped my hands. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry? Sorry? You fucking lied to me all these years, and that’s the best you can manage? Sorry?”

“Shh. You’ll wake Logan.”

“You don’t want her to hear about how you trapped me into marrying you by getting pregnant?”

“That’s not what Copyright 2016 - 2024