The Second Virginity of Suzy Green - By Sara Hantz Page 0,55

to help Mom and Dad come to terms with Rosie dying? Surely you understand. It’s nothing to do with you and me. What we had. Well, that was so special and I’ll never forget it. But so many things have happened since.”

“Suzy, you just don’t get it, do you?” His voice is softer than before. Please let him understand. “This is you. And your life. You’re not Rosie. Not your mom and dad. You’ve got to do what makes you happy.”

It’s easy for him to say that when he doesn’t know the whole story.

“What’s happiness got to do with it?”

Ryan reaches for my hands and holds them in his. A lump rises in my throat and my body starts to shake. He puts his arm around my shoulder and I lean into him welcoming his warmth and support.

I couldn’t bear for him to hate me. I’ll do anything not to lose his friendship.

“Suzy. What are you doing?” Guy’s voice shatters the moment.

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Guy,” I say, trying to sound totally unfazed by his presence. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

I glance up at Ryan. His face is emotionless. What’s he thinking? Will he forgive me? Or does he just think of me as Suzy the selfish bitch?

“Ryan and I were just talking.”

“Talking? It looks more than talking to me.” He diverts his attention from me to Ryan. “Do you always talk to people with your arm around them?” Sparks positively fly from his eyes.

“Listen bud—”

“I’m not your bud,” Guy growls. He’s clearly losing it. I’ve never seen him act like this before. “Suzy’s my girlfriend. So hands off. I don’t want to see you near her again. Understand? Now get back to work before I get you fired.

What the hell? Would he seriously try and get Ryan the sack? That’s so unfair. You don’t do that to your friends. Okay, I know they’re not friends but Ryan is my friend, whatever he might think. And I’ll prove it to him. I don’t know how but I will.

“Excuse me,” I say. “I am not your property. You don’t say who I can and cannot talk to.”

Guy’s jaw drops. Well that told him. Now perhaps we can act like adults.

“Keep out of this,” Guy says. “This is between me and him.”

Forget the adult comment, clearly that’s not going to happen. Funny, isn’t it, how people don’t show their true colors until they’re in a confrontation?

“Oh no it isn’t. This is between you and me.” I’m so angry I wave my finger at him just like my dad does when he tells me off. “I’m sorry, Guy, I can’t go out with someone who thinks of me as one of his possessions. I’m a person in my own right. Which means I choose what I do and who I speak to.” I desist with the wagging finger and plant both hands on my hips.

“Even if it upsets the other person?” His anger lapses and a bewildered look clouds his face.

“I wouldn’t intentionally upset anyone,” I soften my voice. “I’m sorry if you got the wrong idea about me and Ryan. We’re friends and I was upset and he comforted me. That’s all.”

“Okay, I believe you,” Guy says, the bewildered look now gone. “Come on back inside and we’ll forget all about it.” Let’s not be too patronizing.

It hits me that something isn’t right. I don’t know whether it’s me or Guy or what. But things can’t continue.

“You know, Guy. I don’t belong here.” I make a rather grand gesture with my hand. I sure pick my moments for making a stand. What on earth is Lori going to say if suddenly I disappear? Actually maybe I won’t go down this road. “What I mean is, um—is—um. Oh shit. What the hell do I mean?”

“Suzy I’d rather you didn’t swear when we’re here. Someone might hear you.”

“Ah. That’s what I mean. Sorry Guy I can’t hack all this goody-goody stuff. I thought I could be like you and the others but I can’t. It’s not in my nature. I’m a rebel. Always have been. Always will be. You don’t want to go out with someone like me. If you spent time with the real me you’d be out the door faster than a speeding bullet.”

Yikes. I think I’m having one of those epiphany weird moment things. You know, when suddenly everything falls into place. What a laugh. I thought they were reserved for religious people. Mind you, the number of times I utter God I Copyright 2016 - 2024