Searching For His Omega - Harper B. Cole Page 0,13

“Ms. Bea gave me the rule of the kitchen, though. She’s not in town. I could cook.” Gods how I’d love to cook for this man. There was something about sharing a home-cooked meal that made it so much more than any other kind of dinner date.

“I guess I could do that.” He didn’t sound too convinced, but I’d take it. “If you think she wouldn’t mind.”

I held up the key she had given me. “She told me to make myself at home and even gave me the key. I’m not in the city, that’s for sure.”

“That’s why I like it here.” He held up a finger. “I gotta go. It looks like they need me in the kitchen. See you in a bit. Sounds like I am teaching you the fine art of Café Om Coffee delights.”

“I can’t wait.” Sure, the cameras would be on us and we would be doing the same thing over and over again, but the more time I spent with the omega, the more I liked him, and if that meant making forty-seven pour-overs...I was in.



“This is delicious. You’re an excellent cook.” I pushed the plate back and dabbed my lips with a napkin and didn’t miss how Chet’s eyes were fixed on my fingers.

During dinner, we’d shared stories about our childhoods and I’d skimmed over the details of the accident, giving him a bare-bones account.

“Lemon pepper chicken. So simple. It’s my go-to recipe.”

“You’re so lucky to have the use of the kitchen. Most B&Bs don’t allow that.”

“Ms. Bea is away for the night visiting her sister and I’m her only guest. I used my charm on her, saying as she wouldn’t be here to give me breakfast, could I have the use of the kitchen.”

I took my plate to the sink and rinsed it as I said, “I can see you doing that. Charming her, that is.”

Chet stood behind me, and his warm breath had goosebumps spiking over my neck and shoulders. With my hands under cold running water, I closed my eyes as sweat dotted my upper lip.

While I didn’t have eyes in the back of my head, I sensed he was less than an inch away. If I moved slightly, my ass would rub over his crotch. Was he aroused? ‘Cause I sure as heck was.

As I turned off the faucet and gripped the wet plate, a fleeting thought ran through my head. If anything comes of this, it’s a one-night stand. Or a casual fling. He’ll be out of my life soon enough. Don’t get invested, Stan.

I swallowed, not daring to move, the hair standing up on the back of my neck.



“I really like you. I…”

Placing the dish in the sink, I glanced over my shoulder. That dimple of his was calling out to be kissed and licked. “What are we doing, Chet?”

“I’m attracted to you. Since the day I laid eyes on you. And I’d love to take you in my arms.”


“Kiss you. Make love to you.”

Me too, but. There was always a but since the accident. I hesitated and wavered about what to say before blurting out, “You’re my first.”

He gave me a strange look.

“That came out wrong. I’m not a virgin. But I haven’t slept with anyone since before the accident.”

“If you tell me to, I’ll back off.”

His words soothed me and were also a turn-on. A good guy. A kind guy. I grinned. “No backing off.” There was a wicked glint in his eye, and he licked round those gorgeous full lips. My heart sped up and my palms were bathed in sweat. “But I’m not ready for the full package.”

Chet closed one eye. “Not sure what that means.”

I gulped. “Sex.” I distracted myself by putting the plate in the dishwasher.

“Are you doing this on purpose?” he mumbled

“What? Cleaning up? Isn’t that what a good guest does?”

“Bending over and showing me your ass.”

He smacked his lips together and I almost came! Oops! He’d caught me. I did and I was. I ran my eyes over his broad chest and the way his hair flopped over one eye. This was a huge step. “Are you up for a compromise?”

He cleared his throat and glanced at his cock. Oh, he was definitely up. “Let’s get naked and see where it goes. How does that sound?”

He sauntered toward me and placed his lips on my ear. My spine tingled, and there was a knot of anticipation in my stomach at the thought of climbing into bed with this man. Copyright 2016 - 2024