Searching For His Omega - Harper B. Cole Page 0,12


“Aren’t you the sweetest thing.” She set her hand on my forearm the way my grandmother used to do when she wanted my attention. “I didn't mean it like that. She just needs some help today and it’s too long for me to drive back tonight, and since you are the only guest...I can reduce your rate since you’re not getting breakfast.”

Reduce my rate? I was already paying less than the guys at the hotel. The only reason we weren’t all staying here was because she didn’t have enough room for everyone.

“How about this—instead, maybe I could use the kitchen tonight to cook dinner?” I hadn’t planned on it, but now that the idea was out there, it sounded great. A home-cooked meal on the road. Maybe I’d invite Stan as a peace offering for us getting off on the wrong foot?

“You are welcome to use anything you’d like. Let me get you the front door key since I won’t be here to let you in, and as safe as this town is, there’s no need for buying trouble.” She placed a key on the table. “Are you sure you don’t want a discount?”

“Positive. I’m just glad to be staying at such a comfortable place and not in a sterile hotel room.” I picked up the key and put it on my keyring, noting to myself how odd that would be anywhere but a small town.

I walked to Café Om, the sun just beginning to rise. There was something about starting a new day with fresh air and a leisurely walk that made everything look a bit brighter.

The bus was already there, and with it the commotion of loading, unloading, and onlookers. We always had a crowd when we taped, no matter how secret we thought we would be, but in a small town it wasn’t just fans who showed up. It was like we were holding a community-wide event and not taping a segment. Here was no different. There were even some people asking me for my baby, something that started as an online meme after I visited a parent and me café. I hated how shit like that took on a life of its own.

“Hello,” I called into the front door and was immediately greeted by Glenn who had decided that today we should change our original schedule and focus on Stan teaching me how to make some of the coffee since the weather was less than ideal for interviewing guests in the garden. It was fine with me. Any time I could spend with the omega worked for me.

“Sounds like a plan.” I wandered through to the back where Stan was looking like he was about to roll his eyes back so far they wouldn’t rebound as Ralph was rambling on and on, probably about lighting, which no one but him really cared about.

“Ralph,” I gave him a half-wave as I closed the distance between us. “I was just looking up front where we’ll be making the coffees and am a bit worried about the glare. Can you check on that for me?”

“On it, boss.” He turned his head toward Stan, “Maybe I can catch up with you later...possibly dinner?” Oh, it was Ralph flirting. I’d been on the other end of that and it was far worse than his chats about refractions or whatever it was that fascinated him about lighting on any given day.

Stan opened and shut his mouth twice.

“We kind of had plans.” I put Stan out of his misery, but possibly put him in a new kind of misery.

“Yeah.” Stan half-shrugged. “Sorry.”

“No problem. I wasn’t sure how I’d get back anyway.” Ralph took a step backward. “I should go and check out that glare. Nice talking to you.”

“Same.” Stan smiled warmly, the smile never reaching his eyes, and Ralph turned and jogged toward the front counter.

“Thanks for that.” Stan spoke so softly I barely heard him. “It was...awkward.”

“Not a problem, and you don’t have to...but I mean, if you want to...and now I’m the one making it awkward.” I chuckled.

“I mean, I would, ya know...but people tend to stare at you all the time and I don’t feel like—that would not be my thing.” He bit his bottom lip and smushed up his nose just the tiniest of bits.

“Yeah, it is different,” and when I wasn’t on site, rare, but in this town everyone would notice me even if I hadn’t been quasi famous. I was new in town and that was enough. Copyright 2016 - 2024