SEAL's RESOLVE - Rebecca Deel Page 0,81

let her responsibilities and worry drift away, secure in the knowledge the Rafe would handle anything that cropped up.

Sometime later, her phone signaled an incoming message, stirring Kristi out of her light slumber. She checked the screen and groaned. Not something she wanted to deal with today.

Rafe’s arm tightened around her waist. “What is it?”

“Dad wants to see me in two hours. I don’t have time. We’re booked solid through six o’clock tonight, and then I have to finish assembling Maggie’s dress so it’s ready for her fitting tomorrow.”

“Did Stewart say what he wanted?”

She frowned. “No, and that’s odd. He usually does.”

“Can he call you instead?”

“I’ll find out.” Kristi sent a text, asking her father to call. She frowned at his reply. “He says he can’t discuss this over the phone, that he needs to break the news in person. What if he’s sick, Rafe?”

He kissed her temple. “Let’s not anticipate the worst. What do you want to do?”

“Hire five more people in the next hour to help me with all the work. I have a woman coming for an interview in the next couple of days. We can use Deidre as much as she’s willing to work.”

“See if she can help part-time while she decides if she’s wants to come on board full time.”

“That’s a good idea.”

“What do you want to do about your father’s request?”

“I need to meet him. Otherwise, I won’t be able to concentrate on anything. He’ll have to wait until after our appointments are finished, though. Jill can’t handle everything alone.”

“Find out where he wants to meet. We’ll go after dinner.”

She grimaced. “I doubt my father will be more civil now than he was yesterday.”

“I can handle Stewart’s bad attitude. Don’t tell him I’ll be with you.”

Kristi told her father she could meet him at 8:00. The response had her eyebrows rising. Huh. She hadn’t expected him to make that request.

“Something else wrong?”

“Not really. Just an odd meeting place.”

“Where is it?”

“One of the Stewart Group warehouses.” She shrugged. “Dad must have a meeting with the warehouse manager. He’s probably making time to talk to me between meetings.”

“Does he always work that late?”

“Most of the time. He started the habit after I entered high school.”

Behind her, Rafe stiffened. “You were in the house alone?”

“We had a live-in housekeeper who was like a second mother to me. Mrs. Wolcott still works for Dad. Believe me, I couldn’t have gotten into trouble if I’d wanted to. I think she has eyes in the back of her head.”

He chuckled. “All kids believe that of their mothers.” Rafe stood. “It’s time to go back. Your next client arrives soon.”

Kristi took his extended hand. “Thanks for the back rub and the company.”

Inside the kitchen, Rafe gave her a light kiss. “I’ll take care of dinner.” He slid a pointed look to Cal. “I’ll be drafting help.”

His friend winced. “Might not be wise, Rafe. I’m all thumbs in the kitchen.”

“You’re a SEAL. You can handle a knife.”


“You can chop and slice vegetables. You’re hired as the sous chef.” Rafe turned to Kristi. “I’ll be close if you need me.”

“What’s for dinner?”

“A surprise. You’ll find out as soon as you finish your client appointments.”

“Now you have my curiosity stoked.”

“Good. That means you’ll work fast.”

With a laugh, she traipsed down the hall to the workroom. Her breath caught when she saw Maggie’s dress on the dressmaker’s dummy. “You finished the dress. Good work, Jill.” Even without the embellishments, the dress was beautiful.

“You did the hard part. I worked on the rest of it between other projects.”

Kristi would be able to meet her father without facing with another late night. “After Maggie’s fitting, we’ll make the adjustments, then start on the lace and pearls. Have you talked to Deidre yet?”

“I was going to call her in a few minutes. Why?”

“When you ask her to come in for an interview for a full-time position, find out if she’s willing to work part-time until she decides if she wants to work for us. We’ve been working too many late hours, and our schedule will be worse over the next few months.”

“I can already tell you Deidre will accept the offer of a part-time job. She’s saving for a week-long cruise next summer.”

“Good. We need her. If we’re satisfied with what we hear during the interview, we’ll offer Deidre the full-time job. I hope the fabric shop won’t make Deidre work her full two weeks after she gives her notice.”

Jon appeared in the workroom doorway. “Another client arrived.”

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