SEAL's RESOLVE - Rebecca Deel Page 0,80

the florist in thirty minutes to talk about the flower arrangements. Rafe, I’m glad Kristi finally came up for air long enough to fall for you. Take good care of her.”

“You have my word.”

After Aurora left, Rafe folded his arms. “What was all the laughter about?”


His eyebrow rose. “What’s so funny?”

“Aurora wanted to know who the hottie was. She was impressed that you and I were dating.”

Rafe’s cheeks darkened. “Hottie, huh?”

Kristi brushed her lips over his. “Oh, yes. Perfect description, too.”

“Is that right?” His lips curved.

“I’ve been thinking you’re drop-dead gorgeous, but hottie works.”

“I heard that,” Jackson called with, laughter in his voice. “You need your eyes checked, Kristi.”

Rafe groaned. “I’m toast,” he murmured, then raised his voice. “A good friend would forget that private conversation.”

“Ha. You’re out of luck. That’s too good to pass up.”

Rafe flinched. “Can’t wait until he’s dating someone to return the favor,” he muttered.

Kristi grinned. “Sorry.”

“No, you’re not.” He scowled, but his eyes twinkled with amusement. “You will be, though. You’re in for razzing by the rest of Wolf Pack, too. I won’t be suffering alone.”

“Incoming,” Eli said from the living room. “Four ladies to meet the hottie.”

Rafe groaned. “Shut up, sir.”

Wolf Pack’s leader chuckled.

Kristi stole another quick kiss. “That should be Natalie Harmon and her entourage.”

“She always arrives with a pack?” Eli teased.

“Every decision she makes is vetted by her group.”

Rafe shook his head. “Slows down the decision-making process.”

“Every choice takes at least thirty minutes, sometimes longer. That’s why I block out 90 minutes for each of her appointments.” She hurried toward the living room as Eli opened the front door and greeted the women.

Kristi beamed at one of her favorite clients. “Natalie, it’s great to see you.” She held out her hand to the bride-to-be.

“Oh, Kristi, look at your face.” Natalie looked horrified. “What happened?”

“Long story. I’m fine.”

“Did your boyfriend hit you?”

Beside her, Rafe stiffened. Kristi reached back and wrapped her hand around his. “No, nothing like that. In fact, this is my boyfriend, Rafe. Rafe, meet Natalie, Ginger, Maryanne, and Lola.”

He shook hands with each woman, then asked their snack and drink preferences. Once they were seated in the consultation room with one tray of cookies and a carafe of coffee, Rafe pressed a kiss to Kristi’s palm and retreated to the kitchen.

The women watched him until he left the room, then Natalie said, “Lady, you have fine taste in men. Your Rafe is a keeper.” Her friends chimed in with their agreement.

“You’re right.” Kristi squeezed Natalie’s hand, then retrieved the three-ring binder with the latest round of wedding dress designs. “I used what you told me from our previous discussion and came up with six new designs for you. See what you think.”

An hour later, Natalie and her friends decided on the dress Kristi would have chosen for the bride. As the women paused at front door, Natalie said, “I don’t know how to thank you. I can’t wait for Jerome to see me in that dress.”

“He’ll be stunned speechless,” Lola said.

“He better not be speechless for long.” Maryanne smiled. “Otherwise, he won’t be able to say ‘I do’ when the time comes.” That sent the women into another round of laughter.

When they finally left, Kristi turned into Rafe’s arms with a soft groan.

“Hey, are you all right?”

“I need another massage.”

“When does your next client arrive?”

“Thirty minutes. It’s a fitting, though. Jill can handle it without me for a few minutes.”

“Good. Come with me.” He led her out the back door to one of the benches in the garden. When they sat, Rafe turned Kristi so her back was to him and began to massage her shoulders and back.

Ten minutes later, Kristi felt boneless. “Mr. Torres, you’re hired for life.”

“I don’t know, Ms. Stewart. My price is steep. You might not be able to afford me.”

“Whatever you charge, I’ll gladly pay.”

He chuckled. “You don’t know the price yet.”

“With talented hands like yours, I don’t care.”

More masculine laughter behind her as he eased her back to rest against his chest. “What about dinner at least once a week for the foreseeable future and play dates with Oliver?”

“No kisses? I’m disappointed. I thought for sure kisses would be the price for shoulder and neck massages for life.”

“I’ll steal as many of those as possible.” Rafe urged her to lean her head against his shoulder. “Let yourself rest for a few minutes. I’ll keep track of the time.”

With the soft breeze, warm sun, and Rafe’s body heat lulling her into a light doze, Kristi Copyright 2016 - 2024