The Scot's Quest - Keira Montclair Page 0,77

horse. He dismounted and hurried over to her. “Diamond, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you cry so much.”

She grinned through her tears. “Because I usually don’t cry. I know I did over Claray and Grandsire, but that was the first time in a long time. I’m not crying now.”

He moved over to stand in front of her, brushing his hand across her wet cheek. “I think you need to touch your cheek. Those are distinctly tears.” He gave her a lopsided grin.

Dyna couldn’t control her emotions any longer. She launched herself at her husband and said, “I love you, Derric Corbett. I’m so glad you’re my husband.”

He kissed her tenderly. “I love you, too, Dyna Grant. Will you stay with me forever? I have this fear you’ll run away from me because you’re such a powerful warrior.”

“I’ll not leave you. Do you mind if we live here on Grant land for a while?”

“I’d like that. I need to speak with your sire. I’ll ask if he’d like to have a wedding in front of everyone.”

Her head was already shaking. “Nay, we married right over there.” She pointed off to the clearing. “And I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ll remember it forever. He’ll accept it.”

He arched a brow at her. “And your mother and your siblings?”

“My mother will accept it. She feared I’d never find someone who would put up with my eccentricities, but I did. We’ll stay here until Scotland needs us, and then we’ll go fight, just like we’ve done all along.”

He nuzzled her neck and said, “I’d like that. You need to know I’d never try to change you, Diamond. I love you exactly as you are.”

“What do you mean by that?” She wasn’t sure whether it was a compliment.

“I love you even though you fight better than most men, you’re a wee bit too blunt at times, and you wear men’s clothing. And I love that you have a soft heart.”

She couldn’t help but snort. “I don’t have a soft heart.”

“A wise old man warned me to stay away from you unless I could complete his quest.”

“Grandsire? What exactly was that quest?”

“I had to get to know your soft heart or I couldn’t have your hand in marriage.”

“Grandsire said that?”

“Aye. I’ll admit it took a while.”

“But I don’t have a soft…”

Derric pressed a finger to his lips. “You just cried over a reception for the return of your grandfather, did you not?”

“Nay, ’tis not why I cried,” she replied, squeezing his forearms.

“Then why?”

“Because I love you so much, and I feared the same thing my mother did. I didn’t think I’d ever find a man who’d accept a wife who wears leggings all the time.”

“Well, I’d rather see you differently…”

She playfully slapped his arm, a fierce scowl on her face. “I like my leggings.”

He whispered, “I’d rather see you with them off.”


Seven years later, The Highlands of Scotland

Avelina sat up, awoken by a premonition so strong, she immediately got out of bed, leaving her husband, Drew, to sleep. A buttery gold light shone outside her window, so she donned a robe and padded down to the courtyard, careful not to awaken the others in their keep.

As soon as she stepped outside, the entire area was basked in golden light. A gorgeous woman in a lavender and yellow gown appeared to float down from the sky, surrounded by butterflies. The shock of it lasted only a moment before a smile crossed Avelina’s face. It had been a long, long time since she’d last had such a visitation.

Her brother Logan, who’d arrived the previous day for a visit, came out to stand behind her. “What the hell is that?”

“Don’t you mean who is that? ’Tis Erena, the queen of the fae.”

“Greetings, my dear. And I feel it’s perfect that your brother is here. He will have to help you in this endeavor. He’s been gifted a very long life just so he’d be here to assist you.” Erena held her arms up to the skies and the swarm of butterflies all flapped their wings at the same time.

“What endeavor, Erena?” Avelina asked.

“Evil is in Scotland again. We’d hoped it would take care of itself, but it has not, so we must intervene.”

“How am I to help?”

“You must find the sapphire sword. Do you recall where you hid it?”


“You must take it to Alex Grant in the Highlands. You know of him, correct?”

“Aye. His sister married my dear brother, Quade, God rest his soul.”

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