The Scot's Quest - Keira Montclair Page 0,76

by you having to ask Maddie? When did you see her? Have you had another dream?”

Derric rubbed the stubble on his chin. “And what was that comment about saving Scotland?”

Alex sighed, pushing himself to a standing position, though it was clearly a struggle, so they both rushed to his sides to assist him. “I had a dream a while ago. Maddie said you were the last important piece to the spectral swords, Derric. Did you not hear the heavens explode when the two of you combined your efforts to get Hamish off of Derric? Or how high you tossed his body into the air? You had some assistance in that endeavor.”

“What?” Dyna asked in surprise as her grandsire pushed her away, walked around her, and headed toward the door.

“The heavens exploded?” Derric muttered, looking at his wife. He’d missed something, clearly, though he had to admit he had been quite focused on the state of his poor bollocks. Not that anyone cared.

“When you combined forces, the heavens rewarded you,” Alex said over his shoulder as he stepped through the door. Then he stopped to turn back and look at them. “And the storm stopped as quickly as it started.”

Derric had no idea what the man was talking about.

“You should remember that.” He tipped his head and left, a sudden rainbow appearing in the sky behind him.

Derric and Dyna stared at each other, mouths agape.

Dyna whispered, “What if he’s right?”

Chapter Twenty-Six

They arrived back on Grant land to a parade of escorts, waiting for them on horseback. Not that Dyna was surprised. They’d run into a patrol on the way back and sent some ahead to bring word to the family while Alex sent some back to the cottage to bury Hamish.

Alasdair and Emmalin, Els and Joya, and Alick and Branwen were there, as was Chrissa, who squealed at the sight of them. The path was lined by clan members, including both lairds and Aunt Kyla, her mother and siblings all waving to them as they moved on, though there were tears on many cheeks. Seeing them all waiting, smiles on their faces, filled her with so much emotion that she couldn’t bring herself to ride forward.

Leaning over to her grandsire, who’d recovered enough to ride his own horse, she said in an undertone, “I love you, Grandpapa. And I love Derric, too. Thank you for accepting him into our family.”

The great warrior passed her, but still, she held back, allowing the rest of her family to celebrate his return. Then Derric rode up to greet his sister. He said something softly to her, and Dyna couldn’t help but wonder if it had something to do with their marriage. She hoped so. But still, she didn’t move.

Dyna’s father greeted Grandsire, but then he rode straight to her. “Your mother will ask me. Why are you holding back?”

She burst into tears, surprised to feel so much emotion so close to the surface. “I love you, Papa, and I love Derric. We handfasted, and I don’t wish for a wedding. I just wish to enjoy our marriage.”

Her father smiled and leaned over to kiss her cheek. “I’m happy for you, daughter. If Derric still had the courage to pursue you after all we did to frighten him away, then he is worthy of being your husband. My thanks for being bold enough to find your grandfather. None of us are ready to lose him yet.”

Grandsire yelled back, “They’re quite entertaining together. You’ll see.”

Dyna blushed a deep shade of red, not willing to admit her grandsire had overheard her talking about her husband’s sacs.

“Do you wish to tell me what he meant by that?”

She shook her head. “Probably best if he tells you, Papa. For now, I wish to enjoy my new husband. My thanks for accepting him. I do love him, Papa, and he loves me.”

“He’d have to be special in order to keep up with you. Your mother and I always said it would take a special man. We both welcome him into Clan Grant.”

“He is. You’ll see.” The cheers and warm wishes carried to them and she could only smile, waving her sire on to share in the celebration.

“I look forward to spending more time with him.” Her father tipped his head to her and went after his father.

She dismounted then, patting her horse as she allowed her tears to flow freely, something she rarely did. The others had started riding back to the castle, but Derric noticed and he stopped his Copyright 2016 - 2024