SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,9

Satan himself. What exactly does this job entail?” she asks, getting even closer to me and the bar.

“You come with me. When I need you, I’ll come get you from the hotel room. Any other time, you just sit your ass in the room and wait for me,” I tell her giving her a shrug.

“And when you need me, what exactly am I doing?”

“Flashin’ your ass just like you are now.”

“That’s it?” She scrunches up her damn nose again.

“What were you expectin’?” I ask her, leaning in closer toward her.

“I was expecting some pretty hot sex. I mean, if I have to travel, I want to be fucked,” she says with a shrug.

“I can handle that if you can,” I inform her as Joe groans.

“I still don’t need to be fucking hearing this,” Joe mumbles.

“So, is it a nice hotel or a roach motel? I don’t do nasty,” she’s still smirking at me.

“Oh, I thought you did nasty just fine.”

“Jesus, I’ll be out back. You two figure this shit out on your own. I’m out,” Joe says as he turns on his heel and walks away from us.

Whitley leans forward onto the bar even closer. “Is this a game, Satan?” she asks me.

“It’s Mason. And I don’t play games, sweetheart. You want the job it’s yours. If not, walk that pretty little ass back across the bar to your girlfriend.”

Whitley keeps a straight face as she watches me a few seconds longer. A grin slowly crosses her face. She reaches over the bar, running her finger along my cheek like we’ve been together forever.

“You just got yourself a new employee.” She turns and walks away going back to work. I grunt and shove off the stool before walking into the back.

“Where the hell did you find that girl?” I ask Joe when I find him rearranging boxes.

“She just came in one day. Fucked up out of her mind asking for a job. She said she could handle men and women alike and that she knew all about liquor. I decided to give her a chance as she reminded me of my daughter, young and innocent for the most part,” he says with a chuckle.

“She’s far from fuckin’ innocent,” I grumble.

“Yeah, but she’s sweet underneath everything she shows. She works hard, and parties even harder.”

“What do you know about her?”

“Not much, honestly. She lives with a roommate over on 9th. Works here four to five days a week. She’s a wild one, but everyone seems to drift toward her. She’s even got some regulars that come in since she started. Don’t know much else about her,” he says turning to look at me. “You sure you want her to hang around? I could let her work; I just know she doesn’t ever stop. She outdoes herself. If I tell her to clean a corner, she’ll clean the whole damn bar. I don’t want her working like a dog for me.”

“I can handle her. She’ll be fine with me.”

“I wasn’t so much worried about her,” Joe chuckles.

“Heard that. Will everythin’ be ready to go when we get back?” I ask nodding to the back room. Joe nods and moves a few more boxes around.

“Yeah, I got workers coming in while you’re out. Should be able to seal off the back part, so we can keep things separate back there,” I look around the storage room before Joe starts coughing.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. This damn emphysema is going to kill me one day though,” Joe says with another cough.

“That’s why you need to stop smoking. Haven’t you heard it’s bad for your health?” her voice rings out behind us. We both turn to see her standing there with a cigarette between her lips. I shake my head with a grin.

This is going to be fun as hell.

Chapter 8


“Let me get this straight. You’re leaving me at home to go with some random ass stranger to God only knows where?” Jackson asks as I pull clothes out of my closet, tossing them on the bed.

“He isn’t really random. I did fuck him already. In the alley at that,” I point at Jackson to make my point. He rolls his eyes and drops onto my bed.

“This is the worst idea you’ve ever had, Whit.” He picks through my clothes and holds a few up for closer inspection.

“I thought that night with the twins was the worst idea I’ve ever had?” I ask glancing over my shoulder at him. Jackson laughs, throwing his head back.

“True that, but at Copyright 2016 - 2024