SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,10

least you knew them.”

“I did not. I met them in the club; I just didn’t tell you that part,” I giggle. I can hear an engine revving outside. Jackson leaps to his feet and peeks through the curtains.

“Is your knight on chrome?”

“Since he’s a biker, I’m thinking, yeah. Is he here already?” I rush around the room just stuffing random things into the small backpack. I don’t need much stuff and I doubt that we’re going to be going out at all.

“He’s pretty hot. How’s the dick? Big? Little? Straight? Crooked?” Jackson asks as he stares out the window.

“Oh, it’s a big one, and it hits just the right spot. Don’t think I’d ask for a repeat if it wasn’t.” I toss the bag over my shoulder and head toward the door. Jackson follows behind me, huffing and puffing the whole way.

“I think this is a bad idea. What if you get kidnapped? What if he holds you hostage and never lets you come back?” he asks as we jog down the stairs. I stop at the bottom and send a wave to Mason. He nods his head when I turn back to Jackson.

“I’m going to be fine. I’m getting paid damn good money and it will help with the rent,” I tell him. I wrap an arm around his neck. Pushing up on my toes I press my lips to his. It takes him a second, but Jackson slips his tongue into my mouth, teasing me. I kiss him back, loving how possessive he can be. When we break apart, he hugs me tightly.

“Just be good, Whit. Shit. Don’t get into something you can’t get out of,” he whispers in my ear. I nod my head and turn on my heel. Walking back toward Mason, his eyes burn through me. He watches me walk up to him before he speaks.

“Boyfriend?” He nods towards Jackson. I turn my head and look over my shoulder before bringing my gaze to his.

“Nope. He’s my roommate.”

“You kiss your roommate like that? You are a fuckin’ slut,” he mumbles. I laugh.

“Why Satan, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were jealous. Don’t worry you’ll get yours,” I tease him. Mason climbs off his bike and digs into one of the bags that hang off the side before producing a helmet. He holds it out to me as I continue to just look at it.

“Do I have to wear that?”

“Yep, unless you wanna end up dead if we wreck.”

“So, you can’t drive this thing?”

“Oh, I can drive it darlin’. Get it the fuck on your pretty little head and climb on.” His words make me shake. I love how he talks to me.

“You think my head’s pretty?” I ask, taking the helmet from his hands and placing it on my head.

“There’s a lot that’s pretty on you. Get on and let’s go,” he snaps at me. I wait for him to throw his leg over the bike before I do the same, climbing on behind him. I wrap one arm around his waist. I don’t miss the little groan that he lets out. I think I’m going to enjoy fucking with Mason for a few days.

“Might wanna use two hands, sweetheart,” he says over his shoulder.

“I think one hand should do the trick. My mouth actually works better though,” I tell him. Mason turns and looks over his shoulder at me as I lick my lips.

“We’ll find out when we get there,” he smirks and turns back around. I giggle and wave at Jackson.

“Don’t fuck him too hard,” Jackson yells. I laugh again and tighten my arms around Mason’s waist. He revs up the bike and pulls out of the parking lot.

“You need anythin’ before we head out?” he calls over his shoulder.

“No,” I holler over the noise. He nods his head and speeds up. As we pull out onto the freeway my heart kicks up a notch. I’ve only ever been on a bike once when I was much younger. With the wind blowing around me, the air seems just right. I could get used to this. I hang onto Mason as he takes a curve with ease. It almost amazes me that he can handle the bike the way he is. I know that he’s all biker and shit, but still, this bike is a beast of a machine.

Chapter 9


We checked into a hotel in Key Largo. Viking wasn’t kidding when he said he hooked me up with a nice ass Copyright 2016 - 2024