SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,76

the weekends. You wanna head over there?” Viking asks.

I nod my head and lean back again. I must have dozed off because the next thing I hear is my boy yelling for his dad. Forcing my eyes open I reach for the door handle. As soon as I step out of the truck Drake is in my arms. I hold him close and savor the little boy that I never even knew about.

“Hey, you’re gonna squeeze the air out of me,” I tease him.

“I’m glad you’re back. Mom has been freaking out about the doctor,” Drake says pulling out of my arms and falling to his feet.

“Doctor? What about the doctor?” I ask him.

He shrugs and then I see her. She’s standing there with those dark eyes that pull me into their depths. I move toward her slowly never pulling my gaze away from hers.

“Oh, they’re gonna kiss,” Drake giggles behind me.

I smile at Drake, but I need her in my arms. Now. As soon as I reach her I pull her into me and just inhale her scent. God I’ve missed her.

“You smell delicious,” I whisper while placing a light kiss on her neck. Molly moans and holds me tighter. That’s just the way I want her.

“We need to talk,” she whispers.

“I need to be inside you,” I counter back.

“It’s about Drake.”

“Okay, just give me some time, yeah? I’m worn the fuck out babe. I need a shower and some real food at least.” I pull back and look into her eyes. There’s worry and happiness all wrapped up into one beautiful package.

“Okay. I’ll make you something.”

“It’s good to see you brother,” Fin says as he moves toward us. I pull away from Molly long enough to pull him into a hug.

“Good to see you too man. Thanks for takin’ care of them.”

“Always Reaper. That’s what family does.”

“I’m going to cook something. You guys starving?” Molly interrupts. We all look to each other.

“I sure as hell ain’t turnin’ down food,” Mason says heading for the door. We all chuckle and head inside.


I am so glad to be home.

Chapter 15


Happiness comes with a price. It always has. It always will. I don’t see that changing any time soon either. I watch as all the guys filter out of the house. Roland and Drake sit on the couch talking and laughing. It makes my heart leap in my chest to see the two of them together.

“It’s getting late. Taz will be by early to pick you up Drake.”

The pout on his face makes Roland laugh.

“She’s right. I’m not goin’ anywhere son. Go get ready for bed. Your mom and I will be in there in just a minute,” Roland tells him. Drake leaps off the couch and heads down the hallway when Roland shoves up off the couch.

“The guys get you everything you needed for his room?”

His eyes travel over my body as he speaks. I can’t hide the blush that creeps over my cheeks. “Yeah, Fin has been amazing. Drake calls him Uncle Fin,” I laugh.

Roland nods his head before slowly walking toward me. His hands slip around my waist and he pulls me into him. “I’ve missed you. I’m sorry that shit has been so fucked up since-” before he can finish I kiss him.

As much as he’s missed me, I’ve missed him even more. His tongue slides into my mouth and he devours me until I’m a panting mess. When he pulls back his eyes are dancing with hunger.

“Let’s go tell our son goodnight,” he says as he grabs my hand in his and tugs me down the hallway. We stop outside Drake’s door as Roland takes a deep breath, I squeeze his hand. When he looks over at me I tell him, “Don’t be nervous. We’ve talked about you since you’ve been gone. He misses you. He wants to be with you.” Roland nods his head and pushes the door open. Drake is in his bed listening to the iPod that Fin gave him.

“Bed doesn’t mean music time,” Roland teases him. Drake smiles and pulls the earbuds out of his ears.

“Uncle Fin put a lot of music on here.” He holds it up to show his dad.

“Better be good music at least.”

“It is. He said it’s what you listen to,” Drake says excitedly.

“Well then, I guess it’s good. It’s time to get some sleep. I’ll see you in the mornin’.”

As I watch Roland lean in and hug him I wonder about the past. Would things have always Copyright 2016 - 2024