SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,75

do appreciate everything you’re doing for us.”

“Reaper’s my boy. He’s family. I’d do anything for that man. He’s done a lot for me over the years. He pulled my ass back from some pretty bad shit. The least I can do is watch out for his wife and his kid.”

Chapter 14


I’m agitated, on edge, and I’m happy as hell to be getting the fuck out of this place. I’ve done my time and somehow the evidence that Tom had went missing. I can thank Ink for that shit later. I’ve been in this hell hole for six months. I’ve handled all the shit that Ramirez wanted handled on the inside. I hate to see what he’s going to throw at me now that I’m getting out. I don’t like making deals with guys like him. They’re fucking snakes that will strike out without warning. I know what Ramirez does and how he makes his money. Being in the midst of that isn’t high on my priority list.

Getting home to my woman and son are on the top of that list. I want to spend time with them. I need to get to know my son, and then I need to find that bastard that took them away from me to begin with. I want his goddamn head on a platter and I will make that happen. I have no doubt about that.

“Oh look at your sweet lips. Nice to see you,” Viking teases me as I walk out of the prison and straight to them. Mason and Ink are standing next to the truck with smiles on both of their faces.

“You wish I had sweet lips motherfucker,” I respond as he pulls me into a hug. He thumps his hand on my back before he pulls away. Mason and Ink takes their turns hugging me next.

“Glad to see you out brother. Missed you around the clubhouse,” Mason tells me.

“Me too. That place is fucked,” I say pulling my shirt up to reveal the ugly bruises and the random healing stab wounds I now have.

“Jesus Christ. We’ll fix it man. We’ll go after their fuckin’ families,” Viking says through gritted teeth.

I shake my head and climb into the back of the truck as the others climb in too. “I’m not in the mood for that shit at this point. I just wanna see my woman and my kid. I wanna take a fuckin’ nap and just say fuck it. Ramirez’s assholes are gonna come callin’ soon.” I lay my head back, close my eyes, and just relax. The truck rumbles as we head home.

“What exactly is Ramirez after?” Mason asks. His tone is hard and pissed.

“Guns. The motherfucker wants in. I figured I could toss him to Ripley and let that shit just flow down from there,” I say.

Ripley is another gun runner that we’re in with. He can run anything, anywhere. Seems like a good place to shove Ramirez’s ass.

“And on the inside? Did you get any info?” Ink looks over the seat at me as he asks this.

“I got where Tom might be hidin’. I got information on those Brotherhood bastards. They’re an old MC. Recruitin’ anyone and everyone they can get to agree in there. Had to get in with a few of them to get Ramirez some goddamn information. I don’t think anyone suspected shit on my end, but right after that I heard I was gettin’ out, so I pulled back. Got stabbed three fuckin’ times for my effort.”

Ink shakes his head as anger crosses his face. I know this is one hell of a shit storm for the club, but it’s the best I could fucking do at the time.

“You said the club was in danger. What exactly did you mean by that?” Mason asks looking directly at me.

I turn my head to face him and say, “Not a lot. It’s all about this Brotherhood shit. They’re pullin’ from all over. They killed a few of Ramirez’s guys out in Texas. I was told that Tom was one of them. I want his ass, I just can’t end up back in there. If I do go back in I’m not ever comin’ back out brother. I made some shit decisions while I was in there.”

Mason nods his head as if he understands what I’m saying. I’m not so sure that he does. The people I infiltrated aren’t exactly easy to escape.

“Molly is at your house with Drake and Fin. She’s been stayin’ over there on Copyright 2016 - 2024