SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,202

far worse.”

I reach for her hand and she lets me grab it. I need it. It’s a fucking lifeline that I never thought I would touch, but here it is.

“We’re getting out of here. Those guys are helping us out.”

“What? They make deals with him all of the time,” she says as she inches closer to me.

“I know. They don’t anymore. He set them up. Trust me. We’re getting out of here. Understand?”

It’s strange to be here, being the older sister and trying to comfort my younger one. We haven’t been in this position before.

“Are you sure?” She whispers as I nod my head.

“Yes. We just need to take care of one thing,” I tell her as Monster motions for me.

I hold her hand tightly as I stand and bring her up with me. We walk in silence. As soon as I step into the room my heart leaps into my throat. My dad is on his knees with a gun to his head.

“You little bitch. Do you have any idea what you’re doing?” He hisses at me.

I release Annie’s hand and move toward Viking. He pulls a second gun from his jeans and passes it to me.

“I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m doing what I was taught to do. You let them hurt me so many times. You didn’t even care. You didn’t think about how anything would affect me, even when I killed Ryan. All you ever cared about was yourself,” I spit at him.

He watches me. There’s no doubt he’s wondering what the hell is wrong with me. I used to wonder what was wrong with me too. Not anymore I don’t. Because I know exactly who I am.

“You think my men will let you get away?” He laughs when Mason comes into view.

“We’re all set,” Mason says with a smirk.

“Grinder will you take my sister to go grab her things please?” I ask.

Grinder smirks. I can see it out of the corner of my eye.

“No,” Annie protests.

“He won’t hurt you,” I tell her, but I can’t look at her as I need to focus on him.

“Come on darlin’. She’s right that I won’t ever touch you. I’m just here for your protection, yeah?” Grinder tells her. She moves up next to me and cocks her head to the side before she asks, “How do you live with it?”

“You liked it. You never had to work for anything. You laid out by the pool your entire fucking life,” he roars.

Annie moves closer and I glance up to Monster. He nods once more and I know that his hands must be tied behind him.

I watch as Annie leans down closer to him and says, “You are one sick bastard. I hope that during your time in hell that you are tortured just like we were in life.”

With that she turns and walks away.

“As much fun as I think it would be to torture you, I’m not going to do that. Without you I wouldn’t be alive today,” I tell him.

Viking takes a step back as they all watch me.

“You were nothing. You turned on me. You were helping Ryan get intel on me. Those men are fools if they think you wouldn’t do the same to them.”

I shake my head and smirk at him.

“You’re wrong. I never once helped Ryan. I didn’t know about him until you knew. Once I heard what he had planned for us, I fixed the problem. I took out the problem for you. You never saw me as your child. I was just a tool. I was a toy you could pass around, but that’s not the case anymore. Is it daddy?” I spit the word out like the venom it is. I catch sight of Grinder and Annie as they come back down the stairs.

“Get her out of here,” Monster tells him.

Grinder nods, but Annie doesn’t move.

“You’re not like me Annie. Go with them.”

“Come with me Kyza. Don’t let him win,” she cries begging me.

I hold the gun aimed at my dad’s head as emotions run wild inside of me. When Monster steps closer to me the shaking in my hands stops. His warmth soothes me. Simply his presence makes everything okay.

“Go outside Annie. I’ll be right behind you,” I tell her.

“You don’t have the guts Kyza,” my dad says.

I actually do laugh this time. He doesn’t know me. He doesn’t know the real me.

Once I know that Annie is outside I look to Viking and Mason. They both give me Copyright 2016 - 2024