SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,201

through my veins like hot lava. This is it. It’s time to rectify my past. This is my chance at redemption.

Monster gives me a nod and I nod back. I know that the guys are only a few seconds behind me. I turn forward and walk up the driveway. The guards are watching me. When one stops me I take a deep breath.

“I’m here to see Mr. Ortega.”

“Who are you?” The man’s eyes roam over me and I can see the confusion in them. I look a lot like Annie and I’m sure it’s throwing him off.

“Tell him that his daughter is here,” I announce holding my head high. “Tell him the Soulless Bastards brought me here.”

The man watches me for a second before he pulls out his phone to make a call. He mumbles a few things that I don’t really hear because my heart is beating so loudly in my ears. A few seconds pass before I see him. My heart nearly stops as he walks toward me. I can feel the guys getting closer to my back, and a sense of calm washes over me. My dad keeps coming toward me and adjusts his suit jacket.

“Kyza. It’s been a long time,” he says casually with a smile on his face. It’s almost like we’re having a family reunion.


“How are you? You look well.”

“I’m alive,” I tell him.

He chuckles and moves closer to me to draw me into an awkward hug. I knew it was all wrong. I knew he never was the hugging type. I know I’m right when he whispers, “Not alive for long.”

He pulls back and my stomach lurches. I swallow hard and remember exactly what and who he is. I remember what he did and what he allowed to happen to me.

“Viking. You did well. Please come in,” he says looking around me.

He places his hand on my back and guides me up the rest of the driveway and around the house. The pool sparkles in the sunlight. The air is salty from the ocean nearby. I stop moving when I see her.

“Annie love, we have a guest,” he says grabbing her attention.

Annie sits up from her lounger and looks over to me. I can see her mouth fall open. She rises slowly and walks toward us on unsteady steps as she takes me in.

“Why don’t you two chat for a moment while I take care of business?”

I glance over my shoulder and see Monster give me a subtle nod. They move past me and follow my dad, but I stay glued in place and turn my head back to look at Annie again.

“You’re here?” She whispers softly. Her eyes are darting over my face. I nod.

“I’m here.”

“How? Why? Where have you been? He’s going to kill you Kyza,” She hisses almost loud enough for the guards to hear her. I shake my head and hold it high.

“Let’s go sit. You need to stay calm,” I tell her as I walk past her and sit on the lounger. She moves slowly. She’s watching me as if I might disappear before she sits down next to me.

“Can they hear us?” I whisper.

She shakes her head no.

“What’s happening? Why would you come back?” She asks with tears streaming down her cheeks.

“We’re leaving soon,” I tell her.

“What? How? He will kill you. I’ve heard him talking.”

“Annie, please just listen. I know what he wants to do to me. It’s not going to happen. I’m here for you. Just you.”

She looks shocked.

“What? Why now? You never came back for me Kyza. You left me to this.” And there it is. That’s the pain that I buried deep that she still carries.

“You were better than me. You listened and did what he asked. He didn’t let them hurt you,” I say as I look down at my hands.

“Is that what you really think? That they didn’t hurt me? Are you crazy? That’s all they ever did was hurt me. I was the pliable one. I was the one that listened, yes, but that was just what everyone saw. Behind closed doors he let them…” she trails off and my stomach sinks.

How had I never known this? I always thought she was okay because they came after me. My insides hollow out and I just feel empty. I try to suppress the rage I’m feeling, but I’m failing.

“I didn’t know,” I say as a tear slides down my cheek.

“You didn’t look. I get it Kyza. What happened to you was Copyright 2016 - 2024