SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,171

can’t seem to stop it.

She watches me before she lets her fingers slide down the side of my neck. Just like with my face there are scars down the side of my neck. Her hand keeps moving until she’s at the hem of my shirt. She looks into my eyes as if she’s asking for permission and I’m not sure if I want to give it to her or not. She grabs the hem of my shirt and lifts it. With my cut on she can’t get it off my body, but she can see what she wanted to see. Her eyes move down to my stomach burning me with every glance.


“Hideous? Disgustin’?”

She shakes her head and looks back up at me. Her lips are parted as she says, “Beautiful.” Tears fill her eyes. Tears for me? She leans in and presses her lips to my chest. I shudder beneath her. I drop the helmet and reach around to the back of her neck and pull her away from me.

“I can’t do this,” my voice barely above a whisper.

Releasing her, I move quickly, grab my helmet and slide it on before mounting my bike.

“Monster,” Kyza calls out to me, but I need to go. I have to get away from her.

Chapter 10


He did not just drive off on me. How dare he? He came here and asked me out and then just left? I know he’s scared, it’s a feeling I know all too well, but I was slowing letting my guard down for him.

I huff out a breath, pull out a cigarette, and light it up. I walk down the road with my head held high. He wants to play games? I’ll play, but I play to win. I don’t think he knows exactly who he’s fucking with. I get that he’s afraid of me seeing who he is because I feel the same about him seeing who I am. I don’t want Monster to know my past. I don’t want him involved in it, but I’m also tired of hiding in the dark.

Mystery Man has to stop. Everything has to stop. Reality is a hard bitch to swallow, but I’m choking down on it. So what if we both have a past? Everyone has a past, some darker than others. We both harbor our own demons, fighting against them has become second nature to both of us. Isn’t that what makes us who and what we are?

Before I realize how far I’ve walked I’m standing in front of the gates at the clubhouse. I haven’t been back here since that night and I’m not sure it was a very good idea to come here now.

The man at the gate watches me, but doesn’t say a word. He’s probably giving me the opportunity to run as far away as I can, but that’s not going to happen. I take a deep breath and walk up to him plastering a smile on my face.

“Can you call Monster out here for me?”

The guy eyes me up and down. I cross my arms over my chest and cock my hip out to the side as I stare at him.

“Who the hell are you?” he asks and I try to resist the urge to roll my eyes.

“Kyza. Can you tell him I’m here?” I ask trying to remain polite, but with the way he keeps looking at me I’m about to lose my shit. He’s about to find out about my darkness first hand.

“I could do that, but he might be busy,” he replies as he pulls his cigarette from his mouth and flicks it to the ground.

“Prospect what the hell are you doin’?” another man hollers as the gates slowly open. I watch the tall man as he stalks toward us with a beer in his hand.

“Yeah prospect. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I ask the same question in a sarcastic tone. The other man looks me up and down before he smirks at me.

“What are you doin’ here?”

“Looking for Monster,” repeating myself.

“He know you were comin’?” I shake my head, no. “I’m Viking. Come on,” he says extending his hand to me and shaking his head.

I take his hand in mine and shake it before he nods for me to follow him.

“Is it bad that he doesn’t know that I’m here?” I ask as we walk closer to the doors.

I see a few girls eyeing me, but the guys seem to be busy doing other stuff. I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024