SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,139

to me like that.” Apparently calling him dumb is his trigger point.

“If you didn’t act like one I wouldn’t have to.”

Eric lunges at her, grabs her by her hair, and slaps her across the face.

“Fuckin’ stop. You wanted us here and you got it. Let’s just do whatever the fuck it is we’re doin’,” I growl.

A few of Eric’s guys drag us out of the van. I look around and take in everything I can of my surroundings. I roll my eyes and almost call him a dumbass myself when I see where he has us.

“You’re kiddin’ me right?” I ask as I cock my head to the side and look at him.

“Shut the fuck up,” one of the guys snaps at me.

“You seriously brought us to your old apartment?” I ask casually.

What kind of idiot is he?

“Just walk,” Eric snaps giving me a push.

I chuckle under my breath as we walk toward the building. As we’re climbing the stairs I can hear Carnie calling him an idiot inside of my head. I’m starting to understand why she does it. The man is a complete fucking fool. Eric moves around us, unlocks the door, and shoves us inside. I strut over to the couch and drop down as he shoves Carnie down next to me. I stretch my legs out and cross them at the ankles. Sure, this crazy fuck might be dangerous, but as of right now he’s just stupid. I’ll take stupid any day.

“What now pretty boy?” I ask him and await his answer.

Chapter 22


Part of me is nervous as hell, but the other part is bored out of my mind. I’ve been sitting on our old couch with

Viking for the last two hours. It’s like torture. I can’t touch him and I want to choke Eric. Half of his goons have left, so we have somewhat of an advantage if we could just get out of these zip ties somehow. Eric paces the floor in front of us clearly unsure of what to do next.

“This is stupid Eric. Let us go before the other guys find us and kill you,” I sneer at him.

I want to snap. That’s when he’s the most unsteady. Viking clears his throat next to me, but he doesn’t understand Eric like I do.

“Shut up Carnie. This is all your fault. I wouldn’t have had to do this if you hadn’t left me.” I instantly roll my eyes.

“You kept me a hostage in my own home Eric. What the hell did you think was going to happen?” I ask him. “I kept you here for me. You’re mine.”

“I was yours. I’m not anymore,” I remind him.

Viking shifts uncomfortably next to me. I know he told me not to egg him on, but this is what we need to do to get him to make a move.

“You’re still mine Carnie. You always have been. As soon as the boys round up the money you’ll be mine again. We’re getting out of here and lover boy there won’t be able to find you,” he says proudly.

Fuck. Way to throw a game changer in there. Viking growls low in his throat, but I speak up before he gets the chance.

“Where are we going?” I ask making sure to put emphasis on the we.

“I’m not telling you. That’s the whole point, isn’t it?” Eric says glaring at me.

“This is stupid Eric. If you wanted me to go with you why didn’t you just ask me?”

He laughs a dark, menacing laugh.

“I sent my boy to get you didn’t I? I’d say that didn’t go over too well for him,” he says with a sigh.

“You sent someone. You should have come yourself,” my scream becomes louder and the more I scream the more I want to punch him in the face.

“Like that would have worked,” he mumbles under his breath.

“It would have. It would have showed me that you really loved me.”

I’m trying my best to keep my tone calm and as real sounding as possible, but this is just hard as hell. Thank fuck I never wanted to be an actress. Viking shifts a little, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation, but I know what I’m doing.

“Really? Because I didn’t show you enough? I did everything for you. I got into this bullshit, for you,” he roars.

“Stop lying. You did this for yourself. You never did anything

but isolate me Eric. I couldn’t go to school, couldn’t have friends, hell I couldn’t even go out for a walk. Don’t turn Copyright 2016 - 2024