SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,138

over, but there is no answer to be found. I don’t know that anything is ever going to be fine again at this point. These little bastards have us at a disadvantage, but I can guarantee that they are not going to hurt Carnie. Me? They can bring it, but they better not hurt her or I’ll burn this entire city to the ground before I make them pay. We thump thud along as the fucker keeps driving.

“Where do you think they’re taking us?” she asks softly. I sigh.

“I don’t know. Is your head okay?” “It hurts and I’m still dizzy,” she admits.

“No matter what happens you need to stop givin’ that bastard a reason to hurt you,” I warn her.

Carnie giggles softly.

“The time I’ve spent with you has taught me more than you’ll ever know Viking. I’m not his puppet anymore. I should have never let him tell me what to do or convince me that I needed to lose weight. You were right. I’m better than him. I’m not going to let him boss me around anymore.”

As much as that makes me smile, it pisses me off too. I want her to be strong and independent, but I also want her alive when this is all over and done with.

“I get it darlin’, but clearly the man is unhinged at the moment. I can’t fuck a dead girl,” I remind her playfully.

“Well, you technically could,” she giggles.

“Yeah. That’s not my thing. I mean it Carnie. You can be strong, but you need to keep your mouth shut.”

Carnie tries to scoot closer, but this is as good as it’s going to get.

“You promise you won’t hate me when this is all over?” she asks me softly.

My heart feels like it’s being ripped from my chest. As much as I want to blame her and make this all her fault, it isn’t. It’s all on me. How the hell could I ever hate something that I love?

That word rolls around in my head. Love. I’ve never loved a goddamn thing aside from my parents and Ruby. Never even thought about it. Is that what this is that I feel? Do I love Carnie?

“I will never hate you baby. Ever.”

Just as the words leave my mouth the van comes to a stop. Carnie tenses next to me. She pulls her head from my shoulder. I lean over and kiss her cheek while I whisper, “Please Carnie. Don’t make him hurt you okay?” She looks up at me just as the back doors open and gives me a slight nod.

“Let’s get you two settled shall we?” Eric smirks when I look back over at him.

Fucking bastard. I don’t fucking see whatever it was that Carnie ever saw in him. Sure he’s a pretty boy, but that’s about as much as he has going for him. He’s not very well built, but with the help of six of other friends they were able to take me. Fuck I need to work out more after this little mishap.

“What the fuck are you wantin’ here Eric? We didn’t supply your ass with enough guns?” I ask not at all amused with this shit.

It’s aggravating to say the least, but I have more pressing things to deal with than some little shit that thinks he’s a real man now.

“Oh the guns came in perfectly. Just look at how good they shot you,” Eric says pointing to my shoulder.

“You shot him? What the hell is wrong with you Eric?” Carnie screams next to me. She’s scooting around to see my arm. Her mouth falls open and I can see the anger dancing in those pretty eyes of hers. I’m a little glad she feels the same way about me as I do for her.

“He jumped in front of the goddamn bullet. How is that my fault?” Eric asks like we’re going to actually answer him.

Well, I hadn’t planned on it, but apparently Carnie’s new willpower has a hold over her.

“Because you tried to shoot me you fucker. Why the hell did you do that anyway?” she screams. I’m not sure what’s happening right now. I can’t stop looking between the two of them though.

“I wasn’t going to kill you. I was just going to shut you up,” Eric says shrugging like it’s no big deal.

“So you shot him instead? What kind of dumbass are you?” she roars even louder.

Eric’s faces tenses as he looks at her and says through gritted teeth, “I told you to stop talking Copyright 2016 - 2024