SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,125

little tease. I’d love to bend her over right here and now and spank her tight little ass raw.

“That right?”

I move closer and she drops her arms only to throw them around my neck. Her lips crash into mine as she takes what she wants. I let her have it too. I give her the control over this kiss, but she better not get used to it. Her tongue forces my lips apart and finds its way inside. The way the two of them tangle like a knot hardens my cock. I pull away and shove her back a step. She looks up at me shocked until I nod my head gesturing to the bulge in my pants.

“That seems like a personal problem,” she giggles as she tries to walk away.

I reach up and grab the back of her hair and yank until she stops walking. Carnie yelps, but when I spin her around she isn’t smiling.

“Yeah. It’s gonna get real personal later.”

Chapter 14


We walk along the sidewalk where all of the shops are lined up. The guys are up ahead of us and judging by the look on their faces when they

glance at each other it must be club related. Molly and Whit hang out on either side of me. It’s nice to be able to have just a little bit of girl time.

“So you and Viking? I didn’t think he’d actually do it. Fin doesn’t know right?” Molly asks.

It surprises the hell out of me too. How does she even know about us? My stomach tangles in knots and she must be able to tell by the look on my face. Her hand comes up to rest on my arm.

“I’m not saying anything. I just saw how you two kept looking at each other. God knows I have enough issues of my own to stay out of yours.”

I smile over at her, but my stomach is still trembling. I don’t want to talk about Viking and myself.

“How are you doing? If there is anything you need know that I’m always here Molly,” I tell her sweetly.

She smiles, pulls her hand away, and looks off into the distance. I hate that she is dealing with so much.

“What do you think Fin will say when he finds out? And is it officially off with Eric now?” Whitley is such a nosey bitch. Good thing for her I love her ass.

“Fin will lose his mind. Hell I’m still trying to handle the idea myself. It’s just strange. Don’t you think?”

Whit shrugs before stopping at a small jewelry store. We follow her inside as she browses through everything. She’s like a kid in a candy store. I love watching her face light up though. She looks perfect, content, and happy.

“This is so cute,” she squeals drawing attention from half of the store.

I have to stifle a giggle. I watch her in amusement when I feel a hand land on my shoulder. I instantly try to pull away, but I can’t. When I open my mouth to scream anther hand lands over my mouth and yanks me into the corner of the store.

“Eric know you’re out whoring yourself around?” a deep voice asks.

I wiggle in his grasp, but he’s holding me too tight. I can’t get loose. Panic starts to take over. My body begins to tremble. I don’t know who this is or how they know Eric. I haven’t even done anything in public, been anywhere near Viking, or done anything to give it away, so how would he know if I’ve done anything?

“I am going to move my hand from your mouth. You scream and I will cut your throat. You got it?” he hisses in my ear.

I nod my head and his hand slowly falls from my mouth. “Who are you?” I have to ask.

“I’m a friend of a friend. You’re going to walk out of this store without your little girlfriends. You scream and I won’t hesitate to slice. Okay?”

His warning screams in my head. What the hell am I going to do now? The man nudges me forward. I take a quick glance around to see if I can spot Whitley or Molly. If they see me leaving they would know something isn’t right. Wouldn’t they? I feel the knife he claims to have as it presses into my spine and causes me to gasp.

“I’m warning you.”

I nod my head and quickly head to the door. My heart beats rapidly in my chest. My stomach trembles. Bile is Copyright 2016 - 2024