SBMC Miami Box set - Erin Trejo Page 0,124

thin form.

“We’re gonna go to the shops. Was gonna see if you wanted to go?” Fin says smiling up from his seat up at her.

“Who’s going?”

“Molly, me, Viking, and maybe Whit.”

Her eyes jump across the table to mine before she looks back to her brother.

“Yeah, I wanna go.”

“After you eat,” I add grabbing the pack of cigarettes from the table and shaking one out.

Carnie eyes me for a second while I light up when Fin jumps in. “Yeah, we got shit to talk about later,” he says pointing at her. Carnie musters up a nasty look that she throws my way before she walks over to the fridge.

“You got your hands full with that one,” I mumble as I blow out a ring of smoke.

“Don’t I fuckin’ know it. I feel like a goddamn dad most days. Between her and Molly? Fuck man.”

I watch the defeat in his eyes and I know what I’m about to tell him needs saying. “For what it’s worth I think you’re doin’ a good job Fin. Reaper put you in a shit situation with that girl, but he also knew you had the heart and patience to handle her. That says a lot about you.”

When he looks up I think I see a tear in his eye. He quickly looks away and nods his head.

“Maybe so, but either way I didn’t have a choice, yeah? Someone has to be there. I’m the lucky one I guess,” he chuckles and my eyes move to Carnie.

She dances and sways her hips to the music that’s playing in the kitchen as she waits in front of the microwave. When the timer dings she grabs her plate and spins around. Our eyes meet for a second and she looks like she’s going to drop her plate, but she regains her composure and stalks toward us. I drop down into the chair next to Fin and nearly growl. I want her next to me, in my fucking lap, either way. It makes no difference to me. Fin reaches over and grabs a sausage off of her place and pops it into his mouth.

“Hey. Didn’t you two cavemen tell me I had to eat?” she teases.

I love watching the way Fin lights up when she’s around. It’s magical to see the way he transforms for her. It makes me wonder if I look the same way when I’m with her? I let that thought linger when Molly walks in. She looks a little better today. Maybe she didn’t use as much as normal today?

“Ain’t you lookin’ sexy today?” I tease her a little trying to gauge her mood.

“And you’re not.”

She sticks her tongue out at me which makes us all laugh. Carnie’s cheeks redden and I know what she’s thinking. I watch her as she puts the end of the sausage stick into her mouth. Fuck. What would it feel like if that was my cock? She must be able to tell what I’m thinking. She quickly pulls the fork away from her mouth which makes me chuckle.

“I’m gonna grab my shit. I’ll meet you outside. We takin’ the bikes?” I ask Fin. I shove out of the chair, stand up, and wait for his answer.

“Hell yeah. I don’t wanna be cooped up in that truck,” he says with a nasty look on his face.

“You’re ridin’ with me baby girl,” I say as I wink at Carnie.

I purposely used the same nickname Fin calls her. She grins and nods her head before I leave the room. I need to get to the bedroom and adjust my goddamn cock.

“Where you headin’?” Mason asks stopping me on my way.

“To take a goddamn piss dad. You wanna hold my cock for me?” I ask him.

He makes a face and shakes his head.

“I’m takin’ the skis out. You in?”

“Nope. I already told Fin I’d go into town with them. Girls wanna shop and I’m supervisin’.”

I try to make it sound like I have no interest in being there.

Truth be told, I need to be there with Carnie.

“Heard that. Whit’s goin’ too. Make sure she doesn’t overdo it and try to fuck any chicks in the back alleys would ya?”

I full out laugh at that one. Whitley has a way with women.

That’s for sure.

“I won’t let her get too crazy.”

I walk into the bedroom shocked to see that Carnie beat me in here. She stands against the dresser with her arms crossed over her chest.

“You waitin’ on someone?” I ask casually.

“Not really.”

Well, look at this Copyright 2016 - 2024