Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,135

set down his cup. “But don’t worry, Ava’s not expecting you. If it feels like too many Balfours too soon and you’d rather visit another time, I completely understand. We’ve only been a couple for what, five minutes? I’m just being greedy, that’s all.” He reached past their desserts and laced his fingers through Leia’s, his smile free of expectation. “Time feels precious. I don’t want to miss a single second.”

“Me neither.” Feeling the warmth of his hand wrapped around hers, Leia’s heart weighed heavy. I want to be with him. I want to meet his family, but this soon? What if it’s too overwhelming? They live on a remote Scottish island—I couldn’t just leave if I wanted to. She glanced up from the table. “Where do you stay when you visit?”

“Depends. This time I’m staying in the guest house on Rupert’s property. It used to be an old stone barn where our grandparents housed livestock, but the roof caved in and it was partially flooded. I started fixing it up a few years ago and it became a passion project for me. I finished it pretty recently and now it’s a cozy hideaway with all the mod cons—a gourmet kitchen, a shower room, two bedrooms, two fireplaces. I restored its stone exterior, too, and kept all the weathered character Orkney is known for. It’s easily my proudest moment as a builder.”

Aw, I’d love to see it. “It sounds gorgeous.”

“Hey, it’s not going anywhere.” He grinned easily without a hint of disappointment. “You’ll see it one day.”

This man… no demands, no guilt. He’s nothing like Tyler. Why am I waffling? Leia squeezed Tarquin’s hand. It would be amazing to see him in a different light… with his family, away from London. She flashed a huge smile. “Yeah, one day—in a week’s time! Book my flight, Tarquin. And tell Ava I’m coming!”



Orkney, one week later, Friday, November 22, 2019

“Nice to see you, too, Mrs. Norquay. Safe flight to Stronsay!” Tarquin smiled, his gaze fleeing the chatty senior and her husband, landing on the arrivals board.

IsleAir IA099 from Edinburgh 13:10 LANDED

She’s here! And so ends the longest seven of days of my life. Heart pounding beneath his sweater, Tarquin blew out a relieved breath and admired his bouquet of Scottish primroses, a small, delicate purple flower with a yellow center found only on the Orkney Islands and the northern coast of Scotland.

“Ahh, such a lovely lad.” The silver-haired Orcadian’s lilt carried across the small airport as she shuffled through the café’s seating with her husband. “His granny would be so proud.”

Tarquin rocked back on his heels. Well, that seals it. No snogging when I see Leia. One kiss here and all of Orkney will know by dusk I have a new girlfriend. Island life—gotta love it!

The door leading to the tarmac swung open, and a gust of frosty air escorted a brief parade of arriving passengers into the airport. Tarquin exchanged nods with several familiar faces collecting bags from the small U-shaped luggage belt but only one stole his breath.

“Hey, sexy!” Leia abandoned her suitcase and threw her arms around Tarquin’s neck, capturing his lips. One sweep of her tongue and Tarquin was a goner.

Fuck the rumor mill! Letting her in, he kissed her fast and deep, losing himself in her subtle perfume and the familiarity of her mouth. Leia’s fingers slid into his hair, gently tugging, twisting, refusing to behave. She REALLY missed me! He reciprocated, gathering her tight with his free arm, her goose-down parka and backpack still chilled from the gales outside.

Leia moaned quietly in their kiss, oblivious to several rubbernecking Orcadians. Nudging each other subtly, their approving grins suggested Tarquin was right—his love life would be the talk of the islands by teatime.

I’m so glad she’s here. Tarquin broke away, resting his forehead against Leia’s. “Welcome to the Orkney Islands,” he whispered, and her soft body curved into him, feeling like home.

“That snog was definitely worth four hours of travel!” She kissed him again, chastely this time before gazing into his green eyes like he was the love of her life.

“You’ve seen nothing yet!” Tarquin gave her a squeeze and let go, offering her the bouquet. “Betcha didn’t know primroses grow wild here.”

“They’re beautiful! And so tiny and purple!” She leaned in for a sniff. “I love them. Thank you!”

Tarquin smiled smugly. “So, what do you think so far? Kirkwall’s airport is wee, eh? No bigger than your average storage depot.”

Looking around, she studied the open plan terminal, Copyright 2016 - 2024